posted: September 30th, 2012 |
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This page begins and ends with September 16th and a trip to/climb of Mt. Takao (599 m = 1,965 ft) and Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro (670 m = 2,199 ft). From Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro we hiked down the trail to Kagenobu Pass and then down to the bus stop. It started raining between I-Ccho-Daira and Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro and continued to rain on and off the rest of the hike - sometimes quite hard. Click on any thumbnail to begin. |
Begin September 16th |
  On Sunday, September 16th Kazuya and I went out to Mt. Takao (599 m = 1,965 ft)and climbed that mountain as well as hiking the trail to Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro (670 m = 2,199 ft) and climbing it. On the trail from Mt. Takao to Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro we found this patch of Susuki Grass (Miscanthus sinensis) that practically covered the trail. In the 3rd photo that's Daniel out in front. |
Sept16th_ Takao010RC |
Sept16th_ Takao011RC |
Sept16th_ Takao014RC |
  In 1st and 3rd position are 2 more photos of that patch of Susuki Grass (Miscanthus sinensis). The center photo - out of sequence for balance - shows a very small flowered Monkshood, which Kazuya identified as Aconitum loczyanum. |
Sept16_05_ICchoDaira Trail_SusukiGrassRC |
Sept16th_Takao016 _AconitumLoczyanumRC |
Sept16_06_ICchoDaira Trail_SusukiGrassRC |
  In 1st and 3rd position are photos of the flowers of Keiskea japonica. This is the plant which produces the Frost Flowers which often appear in our December or January photos. In center position, again out of sequence for balance, is a shot of what we refer to as the "Bottle Brush Flower". It is Cimicifuga simplex. |
Sept16_11_KagenobuPass Trail_Keiskea_japonicaRC |
Sept16_12_KagenobuPass Trail_Cimicifuga_simplexRC |
Sept16_14_KagenobuPass Trail_Keiskea_japonicaRC |
  In first position is an example of Pertya scandens. In 2nd and 3rd position are 2 shots of Salvia nipponica. Generally we see the blue flowered Salvia guarantica. |
Sept16_16_KagenobuPass Trail_Pertya_scandensRC |
Sept16_17_KagenobuPass Trail_Salvia_nipponicaRC |
Sept16_18_KagenobuPass Trail_Salvia_nipponicaRC |
  This was the very first time we had ever found a white flowered Impatiens, so it must be quite rare. This is Impatiens textorii f. pallescens. There was an abundance of the common pink form of Impatiens textorii, but we only found 3 flowers of this Impatiens textorii f. pallescens. |
Sept16th_Takao028_ ImpatiensTextoriFPallescensRC |
Sept16_20_KagenobuPassTrail_ Impatiens_textori_f_pallescensRC |
Sept16_23_KagenobuPassTrail_ Impatiens_textori_f_pallescensRC |
  Here is a final shot of Impatiens textorii f. pallescens in first position. In 2nd position is the very tiny flowered Polygonum filiforme and in 3rd position is the common pink form of Impatiens textorii. |
Sept16_28_KagenobuPassTrail_ Impatiens_textori_f_pallescensRC |
Sept16th_Takao036 _PolygonumFiliformeRC |
Sept16th_Takao034 _ImpatiensTextoriRC |
  In 1st position is a shot of me wearing my new hat, which Kazuya got for me for my 65th birthday. In 2nd and 3rd position are 2 more shots of the common pink Impatiens textorii. |
Sept16th_ Takao039RC |
Sept16_29_KagenobuPassTrail _Impatiens_textoriRC |
Sept16_32_KagenobuPassTrail _Impatiens_textoriRC |
  Here is a plant/flower which we rarely see. It is Chelonopsis moschata. |
Sept16_34_KagenobuPassTrail _Chelonopsis_moschataRC |
Sept16th_Takao043_ ChelonopsisMoschataRC |
Sept16_36_KagenobuPassTrail _Chelonopsis_moschataRC |
  In 1st and 2nd position are 2 more shots of Chelonopsis moschata. Down near the bottom of the trail we found the largest patch of Begonia grandis which we have ever found - one shot is shown in 3rd position. |
Sept16_37_KagenobuPassTrail _Chelonopsis_moschataRC |
Sept16th_Takao054_ ChelonopsisMoschataRC |
Sept16th_Takao057_ BegoniaGrandisRC |
  Here are 3 more shots of that amazingly large patch of Begonia grandis. |
Sept16th_Takao061_ BegoniaGrandisRC |
Sept16th_Takao063_ BegoniaGrandisRC |
Sept16_44_KagenobuPass Trail_Begonia_grandisRC |
  Here are 2 final shots of Begonia grandis and a final shot of Chelonopsis moschata. And, that's all for this date. |
Sept16_49_KagenobuPass Trail_Begonia_grandisRC |
Sept16_55_KagenobuPass Trail_Begonia_grandisRC |
Sept16th_Takao068_ ChelonopsisMoschataRC |
End September 16th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 for the continuation and conclusion of this month's adventures. |
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