posted: September 30th, 2015 |
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This page includes the final shots from September 20th (from 2:31 PM to the end of the day) and the first portion of the photos from September 21st. We'll end this page at 10:02 AM on September 21st and pick up at 10:03 AM on Page 4. Enjoy the Journey!   Click on any thumbnail to begin.
September 20th Still Continues (at 2:31 PM) |
  The first shot in this row shows a Viola crassa with its autumn colors. When we came here in June 2011 this violet was just beginning to bloom. The second shot is another Dicentra peregrina and the 3rd shot shows both Dicentra peregrina and Viola crassa. If you want that link to the June 2011 pages again, the photos begin in Row #8 HERE (new window or tab). |
Sep20_292_MtAkitaKomagatake _UpToMtYokodake_VioletRC |
Sept20th_701_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sept20th_702_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  Now we are ascending Ooyake-suna ridge up towards Mt. Yokodake. The first shot was taken while looking back down into Moomin Valley. You can see how smoky Mt. Medake is in this photo. The second shot is about the same, but shot using a different amount of zoom. The third shot shows a nice patch of Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) & Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum var. japonicum) where we stopped for a small and delicious snack. |
Sept20th_709_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep20_298_MtAkitaKomagatake _ClimbingMtYokodakeRC |
Sept20th_726_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  Here is another shot of that patch of Cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) & Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum var. japonicum) where we stopped for a small and delicious snack. The second shot shows that we are just beginning the long trek up Ooyake-suna ridge. The 3rd shot shows some wonderful autumn colors. The black outlined area shows the approximate area included in the next shot. |
Sept20th_729_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep20_305_MtAkitaKomagatake _ClimbingMtYokodakeRC |
Sep20_306_MtAkitaKomagatake _ClimbingMtYokodakeRC |
  In first position in this row is the photo of the area outlined in black in the previous photo. The second shot is again looking back down into Moomin Valley, which is getting quite cloudy now. You can also see Katagari Pond (Row #25 on previous page). Again, the black outlined area shows what you'll see in the next photo. The third shot shows the area which was outlined in black in the previous photo. |
Sep20_307_MtAkitaKomagatake _ClimbingMtYokodakeRC |
Sep20_308_MtAkitaKomagatake _ClimbingMtYokodakeRC |
Sep20_309_MtAkitaKomagatake _ClimbingMtYokodakeRC |
  The first shot is another which shows amazing autumn colors. The second and third shots show the summit of Mt. Yokodake (1,583 m = 5,194 ft). The second shot shows that it is 0.6 km to Mt. Yakemori - our next destination. Of course the person in the third shot is me. |
Sep20_310_MtAkitaKomagatake _ClimbingMtYokodakeRC |
Sep20_312_MtAkitaKomagatake _MtYokodakeRC |
Sept20th_730_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  That brownish area about 600 meters ahead is Mt. Yakemori (1,551 m = 5,089 ft) - we are headed there. The second shot shows some beautiful red maple leaves and the third shot shows Amidaike (Amida Pond), the hut and Mt. Onamedake (1,637 m = 5,371 ft) on the right of it. |
Sept20th_734_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sept20th_748_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep20_314_MtAkitaKomagatake _AmidaikeRC |
  There is another shot of Mt. Yakemori in front of us and then two more shots which show Amida Pond with Mt. Odake on the left and Mt. Onamedake on the right. |
Sep20_315_MtAkitaKomagatake _MtYakemoriRC |
Sept20th_767_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep20_316_MtAkitaKomagatake _AmidaikeRC |
  Here are the two final shots showing Amida Pond and the mountains on either side of it. |
Sep20_320_MtAkitaKomagatake _AmidaikeRC |
Sep20_323_MtAkitaKomagatake _AmidaikeRC |
  Here are the final two shots of September 20th and they both show Mt. Nyutou (Mt. Nipple). You may be interested to know that Mt. Nyutou is named so because from the Akita side it supposedly resembles a nipple. From the Iwate side the mountain is said to resemble a traditional priest's hat, or eboshi, and is know as Mt. Eboshidake in that region. The elevation of Mt. Nyutou is 1,477.5 m = 4,847 ft and we will summit it at around 1:30 tomorrow afternoon. |
Sep20_327_MtAkitaKomagatake _MtNyuutoFromMtYakemoriRC |
Sep20_328_MtAkitaKomagatake _MtNyuutoFromMtYakemoriRC |
End September 20th, Begin September 21st |
  Okay, now it's September 21st. The first image in this row, a 2-shot panorama, shows the amazing reds of sunrise on Mt. Akita-Komagatake at 5:40 AM. The second shot was taken at 5:59 AM and the reds have pretty much disappeared. The third shot was taken at 7:13 AM, after we had cooked and eaten our breakfast in the 8th Station Hut, packed our backpacks and were hiking towards Mt. Sasamori. Let's hope these clouds go away. |
Sep21_02_03_AutoPano_Akita_ Komagatake_8thSta_HutSunriseRC |
Sep21_08_Akita_Komagatake8th StationHutSunriseRC |
Sep21_10_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingtoMtSasamoriRC |
  In first position in this row is a shot of me crossing a stream, then some cloudy reds and oranges beside the same stream. The third shot shows Kazuya shooting at something through the clouds. |
Sept21st_033_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sept21st_031_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_11_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingtoMtSasamori_KazuyaRC |
  Ah, the clouds are disappearing, maybe it was only morning fog. Now we are getting up fairly high on Mt. Sasamori. In the center shot we can again nearly see Mt. Akita-Komagatake. |
Sept21st_052_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sept21st_080_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_23_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingToMtSasamoriRC |
  Oops! The clouds are returning! The second shot shows Mt. Akita-Komagatake with its head above the clouds. The third shot shows a pretty little marshy valley. |
Sep21_24_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingToMtSasamoriRC |
Sep21_26_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingToMtSasamoriRC |
Sep21_29_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingToMtSasamoriRC |
  There is Mt. Nyutou on the far left and Mt. Zarumori at the center. The shoulder of Mt. Yumori is on the right. The second shot again shows Mt. Akita-Komagatake from near the summmit of Mt. Sasamori. The third shot shows Mt. Yumori and some strange green colors. |
Sept21st_096_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_34_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingToMtSasamoriRC |
Sept21st_128_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  Here are two more shots of Mt. Akita-Komagatake, the second one was taken from the summit of Mt. Sasamori (1,414 m = 4,639 ft). The third shot again shows Mt. Nyutou on the left and Mt. Zarumori on the right. We do not know what the farthest right mountain is. |
Sept21st_136_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_35_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingToMtSasamoriRC |
Sep21_40_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingToMtSasamoriRC |
  Here is another shot of Mt. Nyutou in first position. In the center we are now hiking towards Mt. Yumori. The third shot once again shows Mt. Akita-Komagatake. We were hiking around up there - pretty much all over the area - yesterday. |
Sep21_43_Akita_Komagatake_Hiking ToMtSasamori_MtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_44_Akita_Komagatake_ HikingToMtSasamoriRC |
Sep21_47_MtAkita_Komagatake_ FromMtSasamoriRC |
  The first shot in this row is zoomed in to Mt. Yakemori, the leftmost peak in the previous photo, if you recall, we were there yesterday afternoon. This shot was heavily manipulated in Photoshop - the original photo was VERY DARK in the foreground, the sky was the only portion which was properly exposed. The second shot shows Mt. Nyutou and the third shot shows Mt. Yumori as we hike upwards towards its summit. |
Sep21_51_Akita_Komagatake _MtYakemoriRC |
Sep21_56_Akita_Komagatake _MtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_57_Akita_Komagatake_ ClimbingMtYuumoriRC |
  Climbing up towards the summit of Mt. Yumori! And, in the 2nd shot, we have attained its summit - 1,472 m = 4,828 ft. Note that it says we have 5.5 km to go to attain the summit of Mt. Nyutou - and between us, we are carrying 5 liters of water (5 kg = 11 pounds) today because the hut we're planning to stay at tonight has no nearby water source. The third shot is again looking back at Mt. Akita-Komagatake. |
Sep21_59_Akita_Komagatake_ ClimbingMtYuumoriRC |
Sep21_63_Akita_Komagatake_ MtYuumoriSummitRC |
Sep21_60_Akita_Komagatake_ ClimbingMtYuumoriRC |
  Ah, here's a map showing all of the area peaks. This is the "sign" which we could see on the summit of Mt. Yumori on Page 1, Row 11, second shot. The second shot shows Mt. Nyutou and the third shot shows me heading down from Mt. Yumori and headed off towards Mt. Zarumori - way off in the distance. |
Sept21st_229_MtAkita komagatake_AnnotatedRC |
Sep21_73_Akita_Komagatake_ MtNyuutoFromMtYuumoriRC |
Sept21st_280_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  In first position in this row is another shot of Mt. Nyutou. The second shot shows Mt. Nyutou and Mt. Zarumori and the third shot shows some unknown guy studying the landscape ahead. |
Sep21_75_Akita_Komagatake _MtNyuutoFromMtYuumoriRC |
Sept21st_290_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_77_Akita_Komagatake_ TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
  That's Mt. Zarumori on the left in the first shot. Of course the black outline indicates the area shown in the next shot. The second shot is zoomed in to show the black outlined area in the first shot - a marshy area. The third shot again shows Mt. Nyutou. |
Sep21_85_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
Sep21_81_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
Sep21_86_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
  The first shot in this row is looking ahead to Mt. Zarumori. The second shot is looking back to Mt. Yumori. The third shot shows me hiking towards Mt. Zarumori and Yadoiwa (Yado Rock) towards the right side of the photo. |
Sep21_87_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
Sept21st_344_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sept21st_352_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  The first photo is a zoomed in shot of Yadoiwa (Yado Rock = Inn Rock). The second shot also shows Yadoiwa, but is zoomed out. The third shot is looking back towards Mt. Yumori. In this shot we are at the marshy area shown above (Row 21, center photo). |
Sept21st_358_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_91_Akita_Komagatake_ TowardsMtZarumori_YadoiwaRC |
Sept21st_362_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  The first shot here was also taken looking back towards Mt. Yumori. The second shot shows us getting closer to Yadoiwa. In the third shot Kazuya is standing in a marshy area on the boardwalk and behind him is Mt. Yumori. |
Sept21st_379_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_92_Akita_Komagatake_ TowardsMtZarumori_YadoiwaRC |
Sep21_94_Akita_Komagatake_ TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
  In first position here is another shot looking back towards Mt. Yumori. The second shot was taken while standing beside Yadoiwa and looking towards Mt. Zarumori, which still appears to be quite a distance ahead of us. The third shot shows the Yadoiwa (Yado Rock = Inn Rock) sign. |
Sep21_95_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
Sept21st_395_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_96_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumori_YadoiwaRC |
End Page 3, But September 21st Continues on Page 4 (at 10:03 AM) |
(will open in new window) |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |