posted: September 30th, 2015 |
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This page shows the final portion of the best photos of September 21st - from 10:03 AM until the end of the adventure at 2:24 PM at the Tashirotai Hut, at which we had planned to stay on this night. We did not stay there though, we ended up coming all the way home to Mitaka - please see the text below to discover why.   Click on any thumbnail to begin.
September 21st Continues (at 10:03 AM) |
  Now we are getting closer to Mt. Zarumori and the first shot in this row shows me fighting my way through the heavy brush to get there. The second shot is another which looks back at Mt. Yumori. In the 3rd shot we have gotten far enough so that the peak of Mt. Akita-Komagatake is again showing behind Mt. Yumori. |
Sept21st_399_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_97_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
Sept21st_413_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  We're getting closer and closer to the summit of Mt. Zarumori. In the second and third shots you can see a person up there - is that FINALLY the summit of Mt. Zarumori? We don't know yet, but we certainly hope so. |
Sep21_100_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
Sep21_103_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
Sep21_104_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
  The first shows me standing on the side of Mt. Zarumori surveying the landscape. The second shot shows Mt. Nyutou over the shoulder of Mt. Zarumori. The third shot shows Kazuya looking back towards Mt. Yumori and Mt. Akita-Komagatake. Mt. Akita-Komagatake looks so far away now! |
Sept21st_437_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sept21st_450_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_105_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
  Here's another shot looking back towards Mt. Yumori and Mt. Akita-Komagatake. The second shot shows Kazuya beside the summit marker of Mt. Zarumori (1,541 m = 5,056 ft). Mt. Nyutou is between Kazuya and the summit marker. The third shot shows the Mt. Zarumori summit marker and Mt. Nyutou to the left of it. |
Sep21_108_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtZarumoriRC |
Sep21_115_Akita_Komagatake _MtZarumoriSummitRC |
Sept21st_495_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  Here is me at the Mt. Zarumori summit marker, also with Mt. Nyuto between me and the marker. The second shot shows Mt. Nyutou and the third shot is zoomed in to Mt. Nyutou and you can see several people there. |
Sept21st_497_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_122_Akita_Komagatake_ MtZarumoriSummit_MtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_123_Akita_Komagatake_ MtZarumoriSummit_MtNyuutoRC |
  The first shot here shows Mt. Nyutou. The second shot shows some nice autumn colors. The black outlined area shows the location of the next shot. The third shot is zoomed in to show the outlined area of the previous photo. |
Sept21st_525_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_126_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_127_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
  Now we are headed for Mt. Nyutou. The first shot shows me taking my backpack off to, once again remove my shirt. I have no idea how many times I have put on and taken off my chamois shirt today! The second shot shows some nice autumn colors and the third shot is looking back at Mt. Zarumori. |
Sept21st_550_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_129_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_134_Akita_Komagatake_ TowardsMtNyuuto_BacktoZarumoriRC |
  This first shot shows more nice autumn colors. The second shot shows Mt. Nyutou and the third shot again shows Mt. Nyutou. |
Sep21_135_Akita_Komagatake_ TowardsMtNyuuto_BacktoZarumoriRC |
Sep21_136_Akita_Komagatake_ TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sept21st_595_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  In the first shot I am hiking towards Mt. Nyutou, again in only a T-shirt. The second image is a 2-shot panorama showing some marshy area we saw between Mt. Zarumori and Mt. Nyutou. The third shot is a single photo of that same marshy area seen in the previous photo. |
Sept21st_603_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sept21st_599_600_AutoPano_Mt AkitakomagatakeRC |
Sep21_140_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
  Here are three shots of Mt. Nyutou. In the third shot the sun is actually shining on the summit. |
Sep21_142_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_143_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_145_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
  Two more shots of Mt. Nyutou and a shot of a type of Edelweiss - Leontopodium japonicum var. shiroumense - which we felt fortunate to see at this late date. |
Sep21_146_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sept21st_616_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_152_Akita_Komagatake_Towards MtNyuuto_EdelweissCousinRC |
  In the first shot in this row we are swinging around to the side of Mt. Nyutou, to climb up the ridgeline. The second shot shows some nice autumn colors and the third shot again shows Mt. Nyutou. |
Sept21st_628_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sept21st_629_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_154_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
  The first shot here was taken looking back towards Mt. Zarumori. The second and third shots show Mt. Nyutou with a person on the summit. |
Sept21st_637_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sep21_158_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_159_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
  Obviously, all three shots in this row show Mt. Nyutou. The center shot shows Kazuya looking unhappy about what we still have to ascend! |
Sep21_160_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_161_Akita_Komagatake_ TowardsMtNyuuto_KazuyaRC |
Sep21_162_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
  The first two shots here show nice autumn colors and the third shot shows the summit market of Mt. Nyutou (1,477.5 m = 4,847 ft) - we have finally made it!! |
Sep21_164_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_165_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sept21st_673_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
  The first shot here shows more nice autumn colors, the center shot again shows the summit marker of Mt. Nyutou (Mt. Nipple), as does the third shot. Remember what we told you earlier (Page 3, Row #9), namely that Mt. Nyutou is named so because from the Akita side it supposedly resembles a nipple. From the Iwate side the mountain is said to resemble a traditional priest's hat, or eboshi, and is know as Mt. Eboshidake in that region. |
Sep21_166_Akita_Komagatake _TowardsMtNyuutoRC |
Sep21_168_Akita_Komagatake _MtNyuutoSummitRC |
Sep21_167_Akita_Komagatake _MtNyuutoSummitRC |
  Okay, now we are headed down to that hut - the Tashirotai Hut - where we plan to spend the night. The second and third shots show the Mt. Nyutou summit as we descended from it. |
Sep21_170_Akita_Komagatake _MtNyuutoSummit_HutRC |
Sep21_172_Akita_Komagatake _MtNyuutoSummitRC |
Sep21_171_Akita_Komagatake _MtNyuutoSummitRC |
       In this final row the first shot shows nice autumn colors again. The second shot shows me as we approach closer to our destination for the day. The third shot shows some scenery in front of the Tashirotai Hut. Now, for the bad news! Last night, when we stayed in the 8th Station Hut, one of the three other people who stayed there with us was very, very obnoxious and loud-mouthed. He forced himself on us, putting food in front of us (and we were not even sitting at the same table as him) after we had finished cooking and eating our supper and telling us "eat this". Then, after he assumed that he had bought our friendship, he forced himself to sit with us and started showing us every photo on his camera (GROAN!). Finally I got angry and had to tell him that we had gotten up at 3:00 AM this morning, would you mind letting us sleep? The other two people in the hut were already trying to sleep too. He finally shut up and let us sleep, but by then I was so angry that I could not sleep for some time.        Well, that same fellow was at this hut when we arrived. In addition, the toilet was terribly dirty, so after a good discussion we decided to spend the required hour or so to go all the way to the bottom of the mountain and try to get a room at one of the several hot spring inns in that area. So, we had carried 5 liters of water all day for little reason, in addition to being very frugal with our water drinking during the day so that we would have enough water for cooking our supper tonight and our breakfast the following day. Well, we were already quite exhausted, in addition to being somewhat dehydrated, but we hiked to the bottom of the mountain, drinking lots of water now. We tried to get a room at 3 different hot spring inns, unsuccessfully (this was a 5 day holiday weekend). So we decided to head all the way home. We took a bus back to Tazawako Station and took a Shinkansen home, arriving here at the apartment at just about midnight. We only unpacked our wet clothes (from sweat) and hung them up to dry and then went immediately to bed. We hiked about 9 hours on this date and then spent nearly 4 hours on trains coming home - we were TIRED! So, one very obnoxious individual can ruin the best laid plans of mice and men! Thank God that we had a good time despite him, hiking and seeing such amazing autumn colors was good enough for us. (If you do not see THREE columns of text here in this row, you should update your browser.)
Sept21st_683_MtAkita komagatakeRC |
Sept21st_686_ TashirotaiHutRC |
Sep21_173_Akita_Komagatake _TashirotaiHutAreaRC |
End September 21st, End September 2015's Photos, Begin Miscellaneous Links |