posted: September 30th, 2016 |
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This page begins with September, 25th and seven more photos of the Aurora Borealis. Most of them this time were taken as Digital Negatives, processed and then saved as JPEG files using Photoshop®. I learned that it is very difficult to maintain the true color when processing Digital Negatives. I think I did a pretty good job, but you are the one who has to be the final judge of that. In Row 4 there are three photos which were taken on September 27th - the first snow here at our house. It wasn't much, but it was most definitely snow.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin September 25th |
  The first shot in this row is the only one of these which was NOT taken/saved as a Digital Negative. The Aurora always comes out very, very dim and the resulting images always need to be processed with Photoshop® to make it visible at all. I did a lot of Googling and even specifically asked on one forum which I frequent which has a lot of sharp people who process photos. I posted one of the originals and made it available for those people to work on/play with and they were most helpful. So, I learned that the best way to process these photos is to play with the "Curves". With Digital Negatives (the second and third shots) there are so many things which can be adjusted when first opening the image in Photoshop® that it just gets ridiculous. I am not sure if I want to try and take any more Digital Negatives of the Aurora or not. Getting the correct color is just so very difficult.
Sep25_01 Curves_AuroraRC |
Sep25_02_Aurora _FromDNGRC |
Sep25_03_Aurora _FromDNGRC |
  Here are two more Aurora shots. These two were also taken as Digital Negatives. |
Sep25_04FromDNG _AuroraRC |
Sep25_06_ AuroraFromDNGRC |
  And here are the final two shots of the Aurora for this month. These two were also taken as Digital Negatives. The house in the second shot is our house. It was totally 100% dark here, the sun was more than 18° below the horizon - ALL of the light in the sky is from the Aurora. |
Sep25_10_ AuroraFromDNGRC |
Sep25_11_Aurora _FromDNGRC |
End September 25th, Begin September 27th |
  When we got up on the morning of September 27th there was this tiny bit of snow on our rig when we looked out the window - the first snow! The first image is a single photo, shot with the flash. The second image is a two-shot panorama and the third image is a three-shot panorama. If you study these photos closely enough you can actually find snowflakes falling! |
Sep27_3SIP _FirstSnowRC |
Sep27_4_5_Auto Pano_FirstSnowRC |
Sep27_3_4_5_Auto _Pano_FirstSnowRC |
End September 27th, End September 2016's Photos, Begin Miscellaneous Links |