posted: October 1st, 2019 |
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The photos in the first five rows of this page continue our walk up the road from home to photograph autumn colors on September 8th.  Starting in Row 6 you'll see photos which we took as we drove out the Chena Hot Springs Road on our way to Angel Rocks to climb and harvest Lingonberries on September 10th.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
September 8th Continues from Page 1 (at 7:59 PM) |
  Here are three photos which were taken from Gettinger's Field, which is about a one-half mile walk up the road from our house. In the first and third photos you can see Chena Hot Springs Road. |
Sept8_34_AutumnColor_ WalkFromHomeRC |
Sept8_36_AutumnColor_ WalkFromHomeRC |
Sept8_40_AutumnColor_ WalkFromHomeRC |
  The first photo was taken while looking across Gettinger's Field, but the second and third photos, showing Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum trilobum), were taken on the edge of the field. |
Sept8th_017_AutumnColors _SteeleCreekRdRC |
Sept8_41_AutumnColor_ WalkFromHomeRC |
Sept8_46_AutumnColor_ WalkFromHomeRC |
  Here are two shots which show Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium aka Chamerion angustifolium) and then another shot of Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum trilobum). |
Sept8th_020_AutumnColors _SteeleCreekRdRC |
Sept8th_025_AutumnColors _SteeleCreekRdRC |
Sept8th_023_AutumnColors _SteeleCreekRdRC |
  The first photo here shows the yellow leaves of a Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides). The second shot shows a much-zoomed photo of the Alaska Range. The prominent peak towards the left is Mt. Hayes (13,832 ft = 4,216 m). |
Sept8th_026_AutumnColors _SteeleCreekRdRC |
Sept8_56_AutumnColor_ WalkFromHomeRC |
  Here are two more photos which show the Alaska Range, well over 100 miles away from where we are standing. The first shot is zoomed to Mt. Hayes (13,832 ft = 4,216 m) and the second shot is zoomed to Mt. Deborah (12,339 ft = 3,761 m). |
Sept8_57_AutumnColor_ WalkFromHomeRC |
Sept8_61_AutumnColor_ WalkFromHomeRC |
End September 8th, Begin September 10th |
  Now it's September 10th and we are driving out the Chena Hot Springs Road en route to Angel Rocks. We made several stops to take photos of autumn colors. Here are three of them. |
Sept10_02_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_04_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_09_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
  Here are three more autumn color photos which we took at a pond beside the Chena Hot Springs Road. In the second shot you can see a birdhouse. This area is a State Recreation Area, so we assume that the birdhouse was placed there by the administrators of the recreation area. We don't know what kind of bird it was intended to attract. |
Sept10th_002 _CHSRRC |
Sept10_11_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_10_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
  Here are three additional autumn color shots which we took as we drove out the Chena Hot Springs Road. |
Sept10th_006 _CHSRRC |
Sept10_13_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_15_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
  Please note that the center image in this row is a panoramic image which is composed of the shots before and after it. |
Sept10_20_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_19_20_AutoPano _AutumnColor_CHSRRC |
Sept10_19_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
  Have you noticed that most of these shots were taken along ponds? The reason is because looking across the ponds is kind of the only way it's possible to get shots into the distance. |
Sept10_16_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_21_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_23_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
  The first two shots in this row were taken while looking across the Chena River - another opportunity to see into the distance. The third shot shows what things look like if one is not looking across a body of water. |
Sept10_24_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_25_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10th_012 _CHSRRC |
End Page 2, but September 10th Continues on Page 3 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 for the continuation and conclusion of this adventure. Page 3 begins at 9:12 AM. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |