posted: October 1st, 2019 |
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This page continues from Page 2, and the first photo on this page was taken at 9:12 AM as we continued driving out the Chena Hot Springs Road to Angel Rocks for Lingonberry picking.  Starting with the center shot in Row 3 we are on the Angel Rocks Trail climbing and searching for Lingonberries.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
September 10th Continues from Page 2 (at 9:12 AM) |
  Here are three nice photos which show autumn color along the Chena Hot Springs Road and also along the Chena River. |
Sept10_27_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_28_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_32_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
  Here are an additional three photos which show autumn color. The center shot shows Granite Tors, rocky tors which there is a trail to, though we have never climbed the 8 miles up there. |
Sept10_33_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_35_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
Sept10_36_Autumn Color_CHSRRC |
  The first shot in this row is the final one which was taken as we were driving to Angel Rocks Trail. The second shot was taken while we were hiking up the trail. Study this shot and you'll find a dark spot near the center of the photo which we have outlined. What is it? In the third photo you can see that it is a bird of some sort, but what kind of bird is it? |
Sept10th_018 _CHSRRC |
Sept10_37_Grouse_ AngelRocksTrailRC |
Sept10_41_Grouse_ AngelRocksTrailRC |
  Ah, now it's become obvious that it is a Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis). It was quite calm and allowed us to get quite close to it before it started running along the trail to stay ahead of us. Finally, it went off the side of the trail and let us pass. |
Sept10_47_Grouse_ AngelRocksTrailRC |
Sept10_56_Grouse_ AngelRocksTrailRC |
Sept10_48_Grouse_ AngelRocksTrailRC |
  Here is the final Spruce Grouse photo. The final two shots in this row were also taken as we hiked up the Angel Rocks Trail. The river is the Chena River. |
Sept10_55_Grouse_ AngelRocksTrailRC |
Sept10_60 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_61 _AngelRocksRC |
  We continue to hike up the Angel Rocks Trail in all three of these photos. |
Sept10th_030 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_63 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_64 _AngelRocksRC |
  There is one short section of boardwalk along this trail. It is through a dampish area, so it is welcome. Note the nice autumn colors which show up. |
Sept10th_031 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_65 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_66 _AngelRocksRC |
  In this row the first photo shows what became the right side of the center panoramic image, while the third photo shows what became the left side of the center panoramic image. |
Sept10_67 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_67_68_AutoPano _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_68 _AngelRocksRC |
  The first photo in this row shows some of the Angel Rocks, the center shot shows Kazuya on top of one of the Angel Rocks and the third shot is a scenic photo. |
Sept10_70 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_71 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10th_034 _AngelRocksRC |
  The first shot here shows Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) - these are what we came here to pick. The center shot shows some of the Angel Rocks which are below us now. The third shot shows me carefully descending from one of the rocks. |
Sept10th_039 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10th_043 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10th_047 _AngelRocksRC |
  In this row the first photo shows what became the left side of the center panoramic image, while the third photo shows what became the right side of the center panoramic image. |
Sept10_73 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_73_74_Repos Pano_AngelRocksRC |
Sept10_74 _AngelRocksRC |
  Here are two final photos which show some of the Angel Rocks and the autumn colors which surround them. |
Sept10_82 _AngelRocksRC |
Sept10th_050_ AngelRocksRC |
  Neither of these photos were taken this year, but they show what we came here to get - Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). In the past it took us about an hour to fill these two 1-gallon containers, but this year we picked for closer to 3 hours before we had a full two gallons of berries. It was a lot of work, but we freeze them and then make jam with them and enjoy them all winter long. |
Sep9_66_USCreekRoad_ Mile4_5_LingonberriesRC |
Sep18_28_ LingnonberriesRC |
End September 10th, End September 2019's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 3 of 3, September 2019 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |