posted: October 2nd, 2021 |
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This page begins with September 15th and a trip out the Steese Highway for a day of Lingonberry harvesting.  The autumn colors were at their peak, and the berries were nicely ripe.  Down in Row 8 you can see some of Kazuya's Baked Delights and in Rows 9 and 10 there are some photos that were taken here at home.  After that are a few photos of the final day of Farmer's Market for the 2021 Season, and then a couple of photos of our garden with the first snow on it.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin September 15th |
  We have primarily birch and aspen for autumn colors. Here and there are also some larch, but they are also yellow in the autumn. We have no maple or other tree which change to bright red, so here are mountainsides of yellow and gold in first and third position. In the center is an Osprey Nesting Platform with the sun directly behind it which was constructed by the power company to entice them away from the power poles
Sep15_03_Autumn ColorsSteeseHwyRC |
Sep15_04_Autumn ColorsSteeseHwyRC |
Sep15_08_Autumn ColorsSteeseHwyRC |
  Here is another mountainside of gold and yellow in first position. The shot in the center was taken right along the Steese Highway. The third shot was taken from the US Creek Road and the three outlines shown in it indicate the next three photos. |
Sep15_11_Autumn ColorsSteeseHwyRC |
Sept15th_016_USCreekRd_ SelectedAdjustedRC |
Sep15_15Sat_Annotated_ USCreekRoad_AutumnRC |
  The first photo in this row is the leftmost (black) outlined area shown in the final shot in the previous row. The second shot is included in the center (red) outlined area in the final photo in Row 2. The third photo shows what is inside of the yellow outlined area of that same photo in Row 2. |
Sep15_16_US CreekRoad_AutumnRC |
Sep15_17_US CreekRoad_AutumnRC |
Sep15_18_US CreekRoad_AutumnRC |
  The first photo here is another shot which was taken along the US Creek Road. All of the country out there was burned over just a few years back. The second and third shots show Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). Crowberries are edible and are used by some folks in various ways, but we do not harvest them. |
Sept15th_015_USCreek Rd_SelectedAdjustedRC |
Sept15th_043_ USCreekRdRC |
Sept15th_044_ USCreekRdRC |
  Good grief! We came out here and harvested some gallons of blueberries last month when the bushes still had leaves, and it was more difficult to find and harvest them. Today we are here for lingonberries, but we can't resist the ease of finding and harvesting blueberries too. |
Sept15th_042 _USCreekRdRC |
Sept15th_048 _USCreekRdRC |
Sept15th_063 _USCreekRdRC |
  Here is a shot of one more blueberry bush and then a shot which shows our booty from today - a nice quantity of lingonberries and also a nice quantity of blueberries. |
Sept15th_068 _USCreekRdRC |
Sept15th_018_USCreekRd_ SelectedAdjustedRC |
  This first shot shows the blueberries we got today - they were so very sweet and delicious. The second shot shows the autumn colors of the bearberry. |
Sept15th_019_USCreekRd _SelectedAdjustedRC |
Sept15th_073_ USCreekRdRC |
End September 15th, Begin September 16th - 26th |
  In first position is a photo of some Meringue Chantilly which Kazuya made. They were quite amazing. In second and third position are shots of a Chestnut Cream Cake made by Kazuya, also very delicious. |
Sept16th_003_ MeringueChantillyRC |
Sept17th_010_ ChestnutCreamCakeRC |
Sept17th_018_ ChestnutCreamCakeRC |
  The first shot was taken while looking up to the tops of the trees and the second shot was taken at ground level in our driveway. |
Sept17th_iphone010_ ChestnutCreamCakeRC |
Sept17th_iphone011_ ChestnutCreamCakeRC |
  Here are shots taken from our west window on September 22 and again on September 24. |
Sept22_Vibrance _WestYardRC |
Sep24_From WestWindowRC |
  The first shot here shows Kazuya inside of our canopy on the final day of the Tanana Valley Farmer's Market. Note the snow on the grassy areas. The second shot shows a small portion of one of our tables and the third shot shows me inside the canopy. Please note that Kazuya bakes enough so that the table can be restocked several times before we finally sell out. |
Sep25_Kazuya FarmersMarketRC |
Sept25th_002_ TVFM_FinaleRC |
Sept25th_003_ TVFM_FinaleRC |
  Here is another shot which shows only a small portion of one of our tables. The second shot shows a bit more detail of what it looks like in our canopy as opening time approaches. We arrive at 7:00 AM to be fully prepared at the 9:00 AM opening time. |
Sept25th_004_ TVFM_FinaleRC |
Sept25th_005_ TVFM_FinaleRC |
  Here are the final two shots for this month - snow in our garden on September 26th. I had already cut down all of the plants three days prior to this. The soil on the mounds was already frozen, which explains why I cut down all of the frosted plants instead of pulling them. The areas where the snow remain are all frozen soil. By the way, I also raked the entire garden three days ago, the leaves you see have fallen and/or blown into the garden since then.
Sep26_ GardenSnowRC |
Sept26_Garden AfterFirstSnowRC |
End September 26th, End September 2021's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 3 of 3, September 2021 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |