posted: October 4th, 2022 |
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This page continues June 16th, but the previous page ended as we were leaving our driveway, and this page picks up with a drive up the Elliott Highway on a fall color adventure.  Next after that are two rows (7 and 8) which were taken at and near home, but then in Row 9, we're off to the mountains again - the same place where we went on Page 1, but two weeks later for comparison.  In the final row are two more shots taken at home.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
September 16th Continues From Page 1 (at 10:56 AM) |
  Well, on the previous page we were getting ready to leave for this trip, and now we are on the drive up the Elliott Highway - would you look at the amazing autumn colors. In the third shot you can see smoke over the nearest hill, we assumed that there is a cabin there and that they were warming the place up with a fire in their woodstove. |
Sep16_05_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
Sep16_05_06_Exp_AutoPano_ AutumnColors_ElliottHighwayRC |
Sept16th_033_ ElliottHWYRC |
  The first two shots in this row were taken at the same location as those in the previous row, but the third shot was taken quite a distance farther up the highway. It shows the higher elevations on Wickersham Dome. |
Sep16_11ExpCrop_ AutumnColors_ElliottHighwayRC |
Sep16_12_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
Sept16th_057_ ElliottHWYRC |
  Here are three more shots of the red colors, probably a blueberry patch, on the side of Wickersham Dome. |
Sep16_24_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
Sep16_26_27_ExpAtVib_AutoPano_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
Sep16_25_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
  These three shots were taken even farther up the highway. That is the TAPS (Trans-Alaska Pipeline System) in all three of these photos. |
Sept16th_080_ ElliottHWYRC |
Sept16th_081_ ElliottHWYRC |
Sep16_39_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
  The first shot here was taken down in the lowest part of this valley. The hillside there is the same hill as seen in Row 4, but from a different side of it. The second shot shows the area of Lower Grapefruit Rocks - the rocks you can see jutting up out of the mountain on the left side of the photo. |
Sep16_41_42_AutoPano_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
Sep16_47_48_AutoPano_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
  Harwood trees on the higher ground and black spruce in the lower areas, that's what you're seeing in the first photo. The second photo is a nice red blueberry bush. |
Sep16_59_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
Sep16_64_Autumn Colors_ElliottHighwayRC |
End September 16th, Begin September 25th |
  Now we are taking a walk from home and these two photos were both shot from the Gettinger's Field area. |
Sep25_03_ GettingersFieldRC |
Sep25_04_ GettingersFieldRC |
  These three shots show Romanesco Broccoli which we bought at Farmer's Market from Dragonfly Farm. We bought 10 pounds (4.5 kg) to blanch and freeze for the winter. If you've never eaten this, it's sooooooooo delicious! |
Sep25_2Crop_ RomanescoCauliflowerRC |
Sep25_3_ RomanescoCauliflowerRC |
Sep25_13_Romanesco Cauliflower_DragonflyFarmRC |
End September 25th, Begin September 28th & 29th |
  Now we are going back to the area shown on Page 1 in Rows 8 - 11. The first two shots were taken from Cleary Summit, while the third shot was taken as we were driving up the US Creek Road. |
Sep28_02_Scenery _ClearySummitRC |
Sep28_03_Scenery _ClearySummitRC |
Sep28_26_Snowy SceneryUSCreekRdRC |
  Here are three more shots that were taken along US Creek Road. Everything looks very much different than it did on Page 1 (September 13). |
Sep28_28_Snowy SceneryUSCreekRdRC |
Sept28th_008_ SteeseHWYRC |
Sep28_31_Snowy SceneryUSCreekRdRC |
  Not only are all of the beautiful autumn colors gone, but also you have surely noticed that there is snow at the higher elevations. The center photo is very similar to the first shot on Page 1, Row 10, and therefore I created an image to show you so that you don't need to go back to Page 1, just click the center image to see. |
Sep28_33_Snowy SceneryUSCreekRdRC |
Sep28_34_Snowy SceneryUSCreekRdRC |
Sept28th_108_ USCreekRdRC |
  Here are three additional shots that were taken along US Creek Road. |
Sep28_36_Snowy SceneryUSCreekRdRC |
Sep28_37_Snowy SceneryUSCreekRdRC |
Sept28th_122_ USCreekRdRC |
  The first shot here shows Kazuya taking close-up snow photos, while the second and third shots just show more snowy scenery. |
Sep28_42_Snowy SceneryUSCreekRdRC |
Sep28_43_Snowy SceneryUSCreekRdRC |
Sept28th_138_ USCreekRdRC |
  Now we are back home. The first shot was taken merely to show that on September 28th the leaves were mostly gone. The second shot was taken while I was raking our west yard on September 29. |
Sep28_Looking SouthFromPorchRC |
Sep29_Raking EastYardRC |
End September 29th, End September 2022's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 2 of 2, September 2022 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |