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July 2016 - Favorite Photo
"Angel Rocks" - A Four-shot Panorama. July 14th, 1:01 PM.
Angel Rocks - A Four-shot Panorama
JUNE 23rd through JULY 31st, 2016: FIVE Pages Again This Month FEATURING A Solstice Trip to Eagle Summit on the Steese Highway * The Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline * Pyrola asarifolia * Cranberry Plants * Chatanika River Scenery * Iris setosa at 31.6 Mile Pond (Steese Highway) * The Davidson Ditch Historical Pipeline * Eriophorum vaginatum (Cottongrass) * Dryas octopetala * Kalmia procumbens * Minuartia macrocarpa * Rhododendron tomentosum * Anemone narcissiflora * Twelvemile Summit Scenery * Arnica lessingii * Castilleja hyperborea * The bright blue Campanula lasiocarpa (Harebell) * Pedicularis labradorica * Parrya nudicaulis * Many shots of Dodecatheon frigidum (Shooting Star) * Bistorta plumosa * Polemonium caeruleum ssp. villosum * Papaver macounii (Macoun's Poppy) * The Eagle Summit Area * Pedicularis oederi * Lagotis minor (Little weaselsnout) * Pedicularis langsdorfii * Astragalus umbellatus * Oxytropis scammaniana * Saxifraga nelsoniana * Salix reticulata * Eritrichium nanum (Alaska's State Flower, the Forget-me-not) * Cassiope tetragona * a Large Snow Drift * Pedicularis capitata * Silene acaulis (Moss Campion or Cushion Pink) * Rhododendron lapponicum * Tephroseris lindstroemii * Tephroseris yukonensis * Lagopus muta (Rock Ptarmigan) * Potentilla rubricaulis * Silene uralensis ssp. uralensis (Mountain Campion) * Aconitum delphiniifolium (Larkspurleaf Monkshood) * Eagle Summit Scenery * Andromeda polifolia var. polifolia * Arnica griscomii ssp. frigida * Porcupine Dome * Pedicularis lanata * 270° iPhone Panoramas * Long Shadows at Midnight * The Sun NOT Setting * The Sun and Moon in the same Panorama * Marmota caligata (Hoary Marmot) * Lupinus arcticus ssp. arcticus * Dasiphora fruticosa * Rubus arcticus (Arctic Raspberry) * Delphinium glaucum * Parnassia palustris (Grass of Parnassus) * Valeriana capitata * Pyrola grandiflora * Chena Hot Springs Area - Linnaea borealis (Twinflower) * Kazuya's Nectarine, Raspberry & Red Currant Tart * Chamerion angustifolium (Fireweed and an Albino Fireweed) * Castor canadensis (Beaver) in a pond at Creamer's Field * Ripening Rose-hips * Vicia cracca * Partial Map of the White Mountains National Recreation Area * Table Top Mountain from Nome Creek Road * Scenery * Surnia ulula (Northern Hawk Owl) * Vaccinium uliginosum (Blueberries) * Table Top Mountain * Spiraea stevenii * Distant Mountain Scenery * Another Marmota caligata (Hoary Marmot) * Chris & Zena the Dog * Chamerion latifolium (Dwarf Fireweed) * More Salix reticulata * Arctostaphylos alpina (Alpine Bearberry) * Climbing Wickersham Dome * Scenery * Rubus chamaemorus (Cloudberry) * Two More Marmots!! * Wickersham Dome Scenery * Castilleja elegans (Elegant Indian Paintbrush) * Moneses uniflora (Single Delight, Shy Maiden or One-flowered Wintergreen) * Olnes Pond - Evening and Morning * The Angel Rocks Trail * Goodyera repens (Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain or Lesser Rattlesnake Plantain) - an ORCHID * Boschniakia rossica (Northern Groundcone) * Angel Rocks Scenery * Vaccinium vitis-idaea var. minus (Lingonberry) * Geocaulon lividum (Northern Bastard Toadflax or Pumpkin Berry) * Several Panoramic Shots of Angel Rocks * Albino Specimen of Aconitum delphiniifolium (Larkspurleaf Monkshood) * Apocynum androsaemifolium (Fly-trap Dogbane or Spreading Dogbane) * Two Very Short Strange (but true) Stories * More    (Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the June and July photos)

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