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July 2017 - Favorite Photo
"Strix nebulosa" - A Great Grey Owl.  July 8th, 2:18 PM.
Strix nebulosa - A Great Grey Owl
JULY 2017: FOUR Pages This Month FEATURING A Hike of the Angel Rocks to Chena Hot Springs Trail (8.7 miles) * Aconitum delphiniifolium (Monkshood) * Castilleja hyperborea (Northern Indian Paintbrush) * Marmota caligata (Hoary Marmot) * Minuartia macrocarpa * Arnica griscomii ssp. frigida * A Copper-Colored Mushroom * The Angel Rocks Shelter * Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon) * A Beaver Dam, Pond & Lodge * A Table Top Mountain Climb * Pandion haliaetus (Osprey) * Table Top Mountain - Lower and Upper * Surnia ulula (Northern Hawk Owl) * Epilobium angustifolium (Fireweed & Albino Fireweed) * Parnassia palustris (Grass of Parnassus) * Rumex arcticus * Bistorta plumosa (Pink Plumes) * Strix nebulosa (Great Grey Owl) * Ophir Creek Campground * Epilobium latifolium (Dwarf Fireweed) * Thymallus arcticus (Arctic Grayling) * Elliott Highway Trip * Lower Grapefruit Rocks * Shepherdia canadensis (Soapberry) * Delphinium glaucum * Tatalina River * Abandoned Bridge * Tolovana River * Dalton Highway Sign * Dalton Highway * Trans-Alaska Pipeline System * Lost Creek (Dalton Highway) * Dalton Highway and Elliott Highway Junction * Our Pickup Truck Showing Canopy Inside * Myodes rutilus (Red-backed Vole) * Our Garden on July 30th * Kazuya's Baked Delights * Our 2018 Print Edition Calendar * More     (Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the July photos)

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