NOVEMBER 2016: FOUR Pages This Month FEATURING The Aurora Borealis * Sunrise Colors * Pumpernickel Bread * Morning & Afternoon Sun * Birds Eating From Kazuya's Hand *
Pine Grosbeaks (Pinicola enucleator) * Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) * Ice Blobs Floating in the Air *
Cross-Country Skiing * A Present From Oregon * Thanksgiving Dinner * Twin Bears Camp * Chena Hot Springs * The Rock Lake * Kazuya's Baked Delights * Cream Puffs * Eclairs *
Banana-Lingonberry Tart * Lemon Curd Cakes * Butter-Cream Rose Cake * Pear Tart * Swiss Roll with Raspberry Curd * Swiss Roll with Kirschwasser *
Chocolate-Mini Cakes with Grand Marnier * Lotus Root * Yu-Choy Sum * Squash-Curry Croquettes * More    
(Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the November photos)