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May 2013 - Favorite Photo
"Mt. Mitake Scenery" - Beautiful Greens and Blues at Mt. Mitake. May 18th, 9:39 AM.
Beautiful Mt. Mitake Scenery
MAY 2013: THREE Pages This Month FEATURING A Trip to Funagata, in Yamagata Prefecture * Viola kusanoana * Viola faurieana * Viola rostrata * Glaucidium palmatum * Asarum megacalyx * Viola vaginata * Anemone pseudoaltaica * Erythronium japonicum (Trout Lily) * Heloniopsis orientalis * A New Plant for us - Omphalodes krameri * Epigaea asiatica * Magnolia kabus * Mt. Mitake - Rhododendron quinquefolium * Viola sieboldi f. variegata * Schizocodon ilicifolius var. australis * Paeonia japonica - The Wild Japanese Peony Buds * Paeonia japonica Wild Peony Flowers on 2 Different Dates * Meehania urticifolia * Scrophularia musashiensis * Beautiful Wisteria Blossoms Against a Blue Sky * Azalea (Rhododendron kaempferi) in Bloom * Silver Orchid (Cephalanthera erecta) * Sedum sp. * Huge Golden Orchid (Cephalanthera falcata) and a Collage * The Tiny Polygala japonica * Jindai Botanical Garden * Water Lilies * A Turtle * Paeonia japonica - The Wild Japanese Peony - Seed Pods * The Rose Garden * Dracula bella Orchid Flowers * Bletilla striata - Orchid Flowers * Liriodendron tulipifera (Tulip Tree aka Tulip Poplar) - Flowers * Kniphofia sp. * Cremastra appendiculata Orchid Flowers * Caesalpinia decapetala var. japonica Flowers * Dendrobium moniliforme - Sekkoku in Japanese - The Japanese Stone Orchid * Pseudopyxis depressa f. angustiloba * A Huge "Sno-Cone" at Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro-Yama * More     (Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the May photos)

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