MAY 2017: FOUR Pages This Month FEATURING Creamer's Field * Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) * Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) *
Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) * Olnes Pond * Common Mergansers (Mergus merganser) *
Wickersham Dome Trailhead Parking Lot - A Snowshoe Hare (Lepus americanus) * A Common Raven (Corvus corax) Nest Near our House * A Common Raven *
A Long-Abandoned Emergency Shelter * Green-up Series of Photos * Creamer's Field Again - Unknown Bird * Unknown Swallow * A Pair of Buffleheads (Bucephala albeola) *
Willow (Salix sp.) Flowers * The Creamer's Field Large Pond * Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens) * Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) *
Calypso Orchid (Calypso bulbosa var. americana) Buds and Flowers *
Hairy Woodpecker (Leuconotopicus villosus) and Young * A Red Squirrel * The White Violet (Viola renifolia) * Our Garden * More    
(Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the May photos)