JUNE 2021: THREE Pages This Month FEATURING Weird Evening Lighting at Home * A Hunt for Pasque Flowers (Pulsatilla patens) * Grapefruit Rocks Area *
Ice on the Tatalina River * Some Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) at Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge *
Calypso Orchid (Calypso bulbosa var. americana) Flower Buds and then Flowers at University of Alaska - Fairbanks, West Ridge *
a Red Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) * An Albino Form of Calypso Orchid * An Osprey or Fish Hawk (Pandion haliaetus) *
Twelvemile Summit Scenery * Alaska Kittentails (Synthyris borealis) * Narcissus-Flowered Anemone (Anemone narcissiflora) *
Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata) * The Rare Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone multiceps aka A. drummondii) *
Purple Oxytrope (Oxytropis nigrescens var. nigrescens) * Snow Buttercup (Ranunculus nivalis) *
Sunset and the Moon at Eagle Summit * A Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) * An Interesting Moss * Ice on the North Fork of Twelvemile Creek *
The Lunar Eclipse of May 26th * Granite Tors Trail * Dwarf Marsh Violet (Viola epipsila ssp. repens) * More Calypso Orchids *
False Morel Mushrooms at Twin Bears Camp * A West Window Photo Comparison April 26 and May 31 * More    
(Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the May photos)