MARCH 2024: TWO Pages This Month FEATURING the Best Photos of Winter 2023 - 24 Stollen Loaves * Farmers Market Holiday Bazaar * Snow at Home * Christmas Treats * Christmas Ornaments *
Christmas Dinner at Home * New Year's Eve Fireworks at UAF * New Year's Day Foods * Kazuya's "Cakes & Cream Puffs 2023" * Kazuya's "Daniel Collage 2023" * King's Cake for Epiphany *
Sun From South Window * More Snow at Home * -40F° at Home * -51F° Weather Report * Ice Fog in Downtown Fairbanks * A Most Amazing Trip to Chena Hot Springs *
A Walk From Home - Gettinger's Field * Common Redpoll Birds (Acanthis flammea) * Moose (Alces alces) at Home * A Trip to Twelvemile Summit & Eagle Summit *
Photos Taken at Fairbanks "World Ice Art Championships" * A Trip up the Elliott Highway to Wickersham Dome * More 
(Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the this month photos)