OCTOBER 2017: TWO Pages This Month FEATURING A Peek at Our Only 2018 Print Calendar * Cutting up Our Delivery of 42 Foot Birch Firewood Logs *
Our First Snow * Our Second Snow * A Roaring Fire in Our Woodstove * Frost on the Trees at 4 F° (-16° C) * A Stuffed Big Mama Squash *
Kazuya's Baked Delights * Business Card * First and Second Sales Events * Products Offered & Packaging * Mini-Bundt Cakes * Hamantaschen *
Banana Bread * Cake Aux Fruits * North Pole Grange Hall * A Full-size Bundt Cake Which was Donated for a Silent Auction Fund-Raiser * More    
(Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the October photos)