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Photos of Alaska - we generally post the best photos from this month on the first of next month.
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September 2016 - Favorite Photo
"Upper Chena River" - Near Milepost 49, Chena Hot Springs Road. September 18th, 1:36 PM.
Upper Chena River - Near Milepost 49, Chena Hot Springs Road
SEPTEMBER 2016: FOUR Pages This Month FEATURING The Aurora Borealis on August 31st * The Aurora on September 2nd * The Alaska Range (Mountains) From Near Our House - Mt. Hayes, Hess Mountain and Mt. Deborah * Our "Yard" on September 4th * A Trip to Eagle Summit and camp-out * Autumn Colors Along the Steese Highway - Fairbanks to Eagle Summit and to Central, Alaska * Snow in the Eagle Summit Area * "Downtown" Central, Alaska * U.S. Creek Road - Steese Highway * Table Top Mountain * Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) * September 9th Sunset and Aurora * An Osprey Nesting Platform and 2 Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) * Denali (Mt. McKinley) From the Steese Highway * September 11th Sunrise from our Porch * September 12th and 15th "Yard" Photos * September 18th at Angel Rocks * More Lingonberries - a Gallon of them! * September 20th "Yard" Photos * September 25th Aurora Photos * September 27th - First Snow at our House * More     (Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the September photos)

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