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August 2013 - Favorite Photo
"Jindai Botanical Garden" - Crape/Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica). August 18th, 1:07 PM.
Jindai Botanical Garden Crape/Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) August 18th 1:07 PM
AUGUST 2013: TWO Pages This Month FEATURING A Trip to and Climb of Mt. Takao * Hydrangea involucrata - (Tama-Ajisai in Japanese) * Cardiocrinum cordatum - (Uba-Yuri in Japanese = Old-Lady Lily) *A Small Thistle * Dicliptera japonica - (Hagurosou in Japanese) * Conandron ramondioides - (Iwa-Tabako in Japanese) * The Beautiful, but Deadly Amanita muscaria (Fly Agaric) mushroom * Arisaema sp. (Jack-in-the-pulpit) * Tricyrtis sp. (Toad Lily) * Huge Kakigori (Shaved Ice or Sno Cones) at Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro-yama * Clerodendrum japonicum (Japanese glorybower) * Trip to Mt. Mitake * False Anemone (Rengeshouma in Japanese) (Anemonopsis macrophylla) * A Trip to Jindai Botanical Garden * Lagerstroemia indica - (Crape/Crepe Myrtle) * Water Lily Flowers * In the Orchid Room at Jindai Botanical Garden * More     (Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the August photos)

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