posted: September 2nd, 2005 |
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Okay, we continue from August 11th at 11:04 AM - climbing Mt. Choukai - and go through the end of the month on this page. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
  The first picture is a Benibana Ichigo - a beautiful red/purple flower. The 2nd shot is a grassy scene near the 1/2 way point on Mt. Choukai and the 3rd shot shows a grassy slope and if you search carefully, you can find the mid-slope mountain hut - it just looks like a pile of rocks on the hillside, but it's a mountain hut. |
MtChoukai33_Benibana IchigoRC |
MtChokai_Grass Scene01RC |
MtChokai_ MidSlopeHut01RC |
  The first 2 shots show a beautiful yellow violet and the 3rd shot shows a very interesting and beautiful pink flower. |
MtChokai_ YellowViolet01RC |
MtChokai_ YellowViolet02RC |
MtChokai_ PinkishFlower02RC |
  The first shot shows a beautiful blue Miyama Rindou, the 2nd shot is one of those PERFECT lily's and the 3rd shot is yours truly as we approach the mid-slope hut. |
MtChoukai45_Miyama RindouRC |
MtChokai_ AmazingLily01RC |
MtChoukai47 _DanRC |
  The first shot here is another pink flower, the 2nd shot is a kind of thistle and the 3rd shot shows an alpine lake behind the hill where the mid-slope hut is located. At this point it is raining on us - and continued to do so for the rest of the climb. |
MtChokai_Pink Flower01RC |
MtChoukai51_ ChoukaiAzamiRC |
MtChokai_AlpineLake_ MidSlope01RC |
  The first shot is a Panorama of the mid-slope alpine lake, the 2nd shot is Kazuya near the mid-slope hut - in the rain. The 3rd shot is the final one of the alpine lake at mid-slope. |
MtChokai_MidSlope01_02 PanoramaRC |
MtChokai_MidSlope KazuyaRC |
MtChoukai55_ ToriNoUmiRC |
  The first photo here is our first glimpse of the summit of Mt. Choukai. The 2nd shot shows a part of the trail - well above tree-line now. The 3rd shot is me - in the rain. By this point it had cooled off enough so that rain jackets felt good - and we were getting quite wet too. |
MtChokai_Summit02RC |
MtChokai_Trail01RC |
MtChoukai60_DanRC |
  The first shot is another one of the summit. The 2nd shot shows some tiny people crossing a snow field, if you study this shot closely enough you can find 4 people on the snow field. The 3rd shot is one more high alpine flower. |
MtChokai_ Summit03RC |
MtChokai_ HighSnowField04RC |
MtChoukai64_ IwaBukuroRC |
  In this row we had reached the summit hut and checked in - we had reservations. It's 5:41 PM and suddenly the rain stopped and the clouds dissipated and it was beautiful. We decided to try for the summit for the sunset - the "summit" hut was actually about 35 minutes below the summit which was all huge boulders!! The 2nd shot shows the summit, from a false summit we decided was good enough, and the 3rd shot is a Panorama of the summit and surrounding area. |
MtChokai_From SummitHut02RC |
MtChokai_On FalseSummit04aRC |
MtChokai_OnFalse Summit04a_05RC |
  The first shot in this row is another Panorama, which actually hooks on the right side of the 3rd one in the row above. The 2nd shot shows Kazuya descending the false summit and the 3rd shot shows some other people who went to the false summit behind us. You can see white arrows on the rocks - they, and the people, give an idea of how big the boulders are. |
MtChokai_OnFalse Summit06_07_08PanoramaRC |
MtChokai_KazuyaLeaving FalseSummit01RC |
MtChokai_FalseSummit _People01RC |
  The first 2 shots are the sunset from the summit hut. The 3rd shot is the following morning (August 12th) - 4:42 AM - when we went to the real summit for the sunrise. |
MtChokai_SunsetTime06RC |
MtChokai_SunsetTime10RC |
MtChoukai81_SunriseRC |
  The first shot is the sunrise - 4:55 AM. The second shot shows the 2 of us at the summit - taken by a volunteer. The 3rd shot is Kazuya at the summit - taken by me. |
MtChokai_SummitSunrise 04_05PanoramaRC |
MtChokai_SummitKazuya_ Daniel01bRC |
MtChokai_Kazuya_ Summit02RC |
  The first shot shows me descending the summit - 5:19 AM. The 2nd shot shows the summit and the hut where we stayed, the outlined area has been tonally adjusted to increase the contrast - we are now descending the mountain and it's 6:24 AM. It started to rain again just a moment after this shot. The 3rd shot is down near the parking area - a beautiful lily. |
MtChoukai89_SunriseDanRC |
MtChokai_SummitHut01RC |
MtChoukai95_KoOniYuriRC |
  The first shot here is what every Choukai climber hopes to see at sunrise- the shadow of the mountain projected out into the Sea of Japan. Needless to say, we didn't see it - this picture is a photograph from a book which I bought. The 2nd and 3rd photos are maps, which show where we went in relation to Tokyo and a closer shot of Yamagata Prefecture - they are both kind of big - 268 KB for the first one and 238 KB for the 2nd one. And, that's it for vacation. |
MtChokaiShadow JapanSeaRC |
MapRotatedAnnotated YamagataArea_2RC |
MapRotatedAnnotated Tokyo_Yamagata_2RC |
  The first shot here is back in home country - a beautiful Mountain Lily on Mt. Takao on August 20th. The next 2 shots are Mt. Fuji at sunset time, taken from Iccho Daira (Plateau) - where we camped out on the night of August 20th. The 2nd shot is 5:50 PM and the 3rd shot is 6:06 PM. |
Aug20_TakaoSanOrangeLilyRC |
FujiFromICchoDaira13RC |
FujiFromICchoDaira06RC |
  The first photo is one more of Fuji at sunset from Iccho Daira - now it's 6:16 PM. The next shot is the moon at 7:32 PM - a 5 second exposure. The 3rd shot is some fruits of a Jack-in-the-Pulpit on the descent from Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro. |
FujiFrom ICchoDaira07RC |
IcchoDaira14 _MoonRC |
ICchoDairaJackInPulpit Fruits02RC |
  These shots were taken along the Tama River at Okutama on August 27, 2 days after a huge typhoon - you can note the high muddy water. The 3rd shot is a dragonfly on Kazuya's hand. |
Aug27_Kazuya_TamaRiver _Okutama05RC |
Aug27_Kazuya_TamaRiver _Okutama08RC |
Aug27_TamaRiver_ Okutama_Dragonfly03RC |
  The first shot is a collage of Helwingia japonica - You've been seeing photos of this small tree throughout the summer and I said that at the end of the season I would put together a series - this is the series (107 KB). The final shot, of my DVD shelf, is now way out of date! Here is a link to my entire DVD collection if you're asking yourself what might be good to rent for the weekend! Click Here. The DVD's will be sorted by date purchased. You can click on title to sort that way if you desire. This link will open a new browser window. |
Helwingia_Series _resize_2RC |
DVDShelfApril15_ 2005Small |
That's all for this month! Thanks for looking and reading. Hope you enjoyed the Japanese adventures and trip to Yamagata Prefecture, Mt. Gassan and Mt. Choukai! |
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