posted: August 31st, 2008 |
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The photos on this page continue the adventures of August 9th and take you through the 12th - continuing the climb of Mt. Chokai and then a climb of Mt. Gassan. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
August 9th Continues From Page 1 |
  In this row we are still climbing Mt. Chokai. The first shot is merely trail scenery, the 2nd shot shows the alpine lake from a little further away from it and the 3rd shot is more scenery. |
Aug09_MtChokaiTrail _Scenery28RC |
Aug09_MtChokaiTrail_ Scenery36_AlpineLakeRC |
August09Mt Chokai_125RC |
  The first shot here shows a large number of those mountain lilies. This is the kind of beauty we had on this adventure. The 2nd shot is that Chokai Thistle (Cirsium chokaiense) again and the 3rd shot shows the trail and some exquisite clouds. |
Aug09_MtChokaiTrail _YellowLily06RC |
Aug09_MtChokaiTrail_ Cirsiumi_chokaiense10sRC |
Aug09_MtChokaiTrail _Scenery46RC |
  The first shot here shows a snow field which we had to cross. The 2nd shot shows the hut where we stayed, taken from the rock scrambling route from the hut to the summit. The 3rd shot shows Kazuya and I on the summit. YEA!!! |
Aug09_MtChokaiTrail_Scenery 48_SnowFieldRC |
August09Mt Chokai_195RC |
Aug09_MtChokaiSummit _Kazuya_Dan04sRC |
  These 3 shots were taken as the sun was setting. In the first shot you can see an island in the Sea of Japan - that island is Tobishima. The 2nd shot is zoomed in to Tobishima and the 3rd shot is Kazuya at the summit. |
Aug09_MtChokai Summit_Sunset10RC |
Aug09_MtChokai Summit_Sunset11RC |
Aug09_MtChokai Summit_Kazuya09RC |
End August 9th, Begin August 10th |
  The sunrise on the 10th had the mountain summit totally in the clouds, so no sunrise pictures. These 3 shots were all taken on our descent from the summit. |
Aug10_MtChokai _Scenery10RC |
August10Mt Chokai_62RC |
Aug10_MtChokai _Scenery20RC |
End August 10th, Begin August 12th & 13th |
  On August 12th we climbed Mt. Gassan (1,984 meters = 6,509 feet). The first shot shows Kazuya at the start of the climb - which was at the top of a short ski lift ride from the parking lot to a little ways up the mountain. We got badly sunburned on Mt. Chokai, so he has a hat and a bandana tucked under it for neck protection, plus a long sleeve shirt - as did I. The 2nd shot is a HUGE berry which we found, unfortunately these berries had very little flavor. The 3rd shot shows you some scenery along the trail. |
Aug12_GassanClimbLift Top03_KazuyaRC |
12Aug_MtGassan_ HugeBerry01RC |
12Aug_MtGassan_ Scenery04RC |
  The first shot here shows scenery and snow. The 2nd shot is a tiny pond surrounded by flowers and the 3rd shot is more flowers. Again, flowers were everywhere! |
Aug12_MtGassan_ Scenery03RC |
Aug12_MtGassan_Scenery 08_FlowersRC |
Aug12_MtGassan_Scenery 10_FlowersRC |
  We found this flower - Leontopodium fauriei, which is the same genus as the ever famous edelweiss of Europe. We were very amazed. Unfortunately these flowers were quite dried up, but they are still impressive! The 3rd shot shows you some Veratrum stamineum flowers. |
Aug12_MtGassan_ Leontopodium_fauriei03RC |
Aug12_MtGassan_ Leontopodium_fauriei06RC |
Aug12_MtGassan_Veratrum_ stamineum02RC |
  Here is a shot of me, a shot of some steaming snow and a thistle flower. |
12Aug_MtGassan_ Scenery27_DanRC |
Aug12_MtGassan _Scenery20RC |
Aug12_MtGassan_ Cirsium_sp02RC |
  The first photo in this row shows the summit area - the clouds suddenly parted and this was our first sight of the summit. The next shot shows the summit hut with clouds swirling around it and the 3rd shot shows the sign in front of the summit hut. |
Aug12_MtGassan_ Scenery31RC |
Aug12_MtGassan_ SummitHut01RC |
Aug12_MtGassan_ SummitHut02_SignRC |
  The first 2 shots in this row show the summit hut and the Shrine on the very summit of the mountain. We went into the shrine, which cost 500 Yen each to enter - it was not very impressive. The 3rd shot shows FLOWERS, Flowers everywhere. |
12Aug_MtGassan_Scenery48 _Hut_ShrineRC |
Aug12_MtGassan_Summit Hut_Shrine10RC |
12Aug_MtGassan_Incredible Flowers01RC |
  We had a great sunset - here are 3 photos (there are a couple more on the next page too). It looks like liquid lava or something. I did absolutely nothing to enhance these photos, this is just what the camera gave me. |
Aug12_MtGassan_Summit _Sunset07RC |
Aug12_MtGassan_Summit _Sunset09RC |
Aug12_MtGassan_Summit _Sunset11RC |
End Page 2, but August 12th and 13th continue on Page 3 |
  This is a link to a separate web page showing some photos of our DVD Collection, an AVI Movie of our Home Theater System and 9 photos of our Sharp Aquos TV. |
    November 11, 2007 DVD Collection, Movie of Home Theater System & Sharp Aquos TV Pictures (new window) |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |