posted: August 31st, 2016 |
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This page begins with a single photo taken during the evening of August 20th and then more photos around our house and property taken on August 22nd. You'll note that even as early as August 22nd some autumn colors are in evidence and that some leaves are already beginning to drop to the ground. After that we continue on to August 24th and a trip into town and then proceed to August 25th and a single photo taken on a trip into town (Fairbanks).   Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin August 20th and 22nd |
  A new day, more photos of our land and house. The first photo in this row was shot on August 20th at 9:16 PM looking to the south, yes, I know, that seems late to you, but keep in mind that the sun does not set on August 20th until 9:57 PM. It was a rainy evening and had been all day long. This photo is included mostly to show that even at our elevation of about 720 feet we are in the clouds sometimes. The second image was shot on August 22nd. The extreme left side of the photo shows the southeast corner of the house. The photo was taken looking to the northeast from the porch. The small out-building you see there is the old outhouse, which was built in 1980 - before we had inside plumbing. It has not been used since 1981, but we keep it anyway. The third image is a 2-shot panorama of the previous photo and the next one. It is looking from the northeast (on the left) all the way around to the east (on the right).
Aug20_2_Rainy Evening_Clouds_SIPRC |
Aug22_01_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_01_03_AutoPano _Around_House_LandRC |
  The first shot in this row was taken looking east from the porch. The center shot was zoomed in to the patch of highbush cranberry (Viburnum edule) which you can see to the left of the outhouse in the center photo on Row 1 - autumn color! The third shot was taken looking more or less to the southeast from the porch. The rubber coated wire you see there is an old-fashioned clothesline, the kind that you hang an item of clothing on, pull the top rope towards you and the clothes, which are hung on the lower rope move away from you. You hang one more item of clothing and repeat the procedure until all of your clothes are hung. Surely you've seen one of this type of clothesline in a movie.
Aug22_03_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_02_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_04_Around _House_LandRC |
  This photo is quite similar to the very first photo, but in this photo it's sunny instead of cloudy. You can see some of our snap pea plants and a couple of rhubarb plants in this photo. The second photo is a rather zoomed-in shot of the west yard and is included mostly to show that on August 22nd there are leaves falling. Compare this to the very first photo on Page 1 - there was not a single leaf on the ground in that photo. The third photo is not zoomed at all and is most similar to the first photo on Page 1.
Aug22_05_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_06_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_07_Around _House_LandRC |
  The first photo here was taken looking to the north-northwest and in it you can see our storage shed and the house of our nearest neighbor. The second photo is a panorama of the previous photo and the next photo and the third photo is looking pretty much due north. |
Aug22_08_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_07_08_AutoPano _Around_House_LandRC |
Aug22_09_Around _House_LandRC |
  The first photo in this row was taken looking north-northeast from behind the house. The second shot shows more autumn color in the highbush cranberry (Viburnum edule) and the third shot shows the northeast corner of the house, a shot that you have not yet seen. |
Aug22_10_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_12_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_15_Around _House_LandRC |
  Now we're going to move inside. All three shots in this row show the shelf above the front (and only) door. On Page 1 you can see this shelf in the first photo in Row 9. The third photo shows that this is where we have a copy of each of our own books, the ones that you see if you click on the "Our Books" - "General Information" menu item down at the bottom of the page. Note that this shelf has one of every book, so there are paperback and hardcover editions of each book on this shelf. Not every book, however, is available in both formats.
Aug22_17_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_17Part_ Around_House_LandRC |
Aug22_26Part_ Around_House_LandRC |
  In this row are two images of the shelf above the dining table - somewhat visible in the third photo in Row 5 on Page 1. You'll note that we have some weird things on this shelf - some talismans from Japan, a wooden burl, a digger pine (Pinus sabiniana) cone, a coconut, some woven baskets, a 1950's Sprite can which we found on a trail in Japan, a Showa 28 (1953) Japanese sign from an old abandoned railroad track, a rice cooker and a Taketa Dairy antique milk bottle. We have never been able to find any information regarding what year this bottle may date back to. The third image shows the hanging pots and pans in our kitchen, which you were able to see in several of the photos on Page 1.
Aug22_18_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_18Part_ Around_House_LandRC |
Aug22_19_Around _House_LandRC |
  The first shot in this row shows the interior of the left-most upper kitchen cabinet (Page 1, Rows 4 and 5). The second photo shows the exterior of the same cabinet. The vertical wood is Black Cherry and the horizontal (top and bottom strips) of the door is Birds-eye Maple. These were made by me back in 1981 and are still in good condition considering 25 years of being rented out. The third photo shows the corner where we keep some of our backpacks. We have at least another 4 backpacks which are not hanging here, these are just our most commonly used backpacks.
Aug22_20_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_21_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_22_Around _House_LandRC |
  The first shot in this row shows the view from our west window. This is what we see when sitting in our office working away doing this type of stuff. One time in the winter when I had plants growing under the grow lights which you see, a big bull moose came along and started licking the window thinking that it could get the plants. I sat inside holding my breath thinking "don't swing your horns and break the window" - it did not! The second photo shows the window in the southwest corner. The third photo shows our chiton collection in a Riker Mount. You should definitely Google "chiton" if you have no idea what these are. I collected them and made this display back when I lived in Kodiak, Alaska from 1975 to 1978. Okay, here, let me make it easy for you: CLICK HERE FOR CHITON IMAGES brought to you by Google! Maybe I'll take a separate photo of just this Riker Mount on another day and show this to you all by itself.
Aug22_23_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_24_Around _House_LandRC |
Aug22_25_Around _House_LandRC |
End August 20th, Begin August 24th and 25th |
  On August 24th we hitchhiked into town and did our regular week's shopping and so on. One of our stops was at the Fairbanks Farmer's Market, where we bought some beautiful vegetables. While we were waiting for the bus, after shopping, Kazuya took these two photos of me. The first one has been severely adjusted, my face and upper body were totally shaded because I was standing under the corner of the bus shelter. It's actually amazing that I was able to improve this photo to such an extent with Photoshop®. For the second photo Kazuya made me stand in the sun, it came out much better. On August 25th we talked a friend into taking us shopping because we had to buy some pretty heavy stuff - a new chainsaw, gas and oil for it, plus a few other things. This friend wanted to show us the building where the Fairbanks National Park Service headquarters is located, the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitor's Center. It ended up being the day of the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service, so we got some free birthday cake and we kind of forced Kazuya to let us take pictures of him in an NPS hat! Sorry, Kazuya.
Aug24_01_Adj_Farmers MarketBusStop_180RC |
Aug24_02_Farmers MarketBusStop_180_CropRC |
Aug25_1_Kazuya SmokeyHatRC |
End August 24th and 25th, End Page 2 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 3 for the continuation and conclusion of this month's photos of very local happenings. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |