posted: August 31st, 2017 |
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As we told you at the bottom of Page 3 - this page continues August 6th from Page 3, at 12:10 PM, just after we turned around to head back to our rig.  At the end of Row 5 we are back at the Eagle Summit Wayside parking lot and our pickup truck - it was an excellent 10 mile hike for us today, we are pleased with our accomplishment.  Rows 7, 8 and 9 show August 7th as we made our way back to Fairbanks.  That was the only adventure we had during the month of August, due only to vey poor and disappointing weather.  In Row 11 we jump to August 28th and Daniel's 70th Birthday!  We had a small party - there were only 5 people present, but a wonderful time was had by all.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
August 6th Continues from Page 3 (at 12:10 PM) |
  Well, now we are headed back to our rig. The first shot in this row shows a nice Dryas octopetala still blooming, note Porcupine Dome in the background. The second shot shows that we have made it back to the Mile-marker for Mile 4 and the third shot is looking ahead - you can see the trail down there if you look carefully. |
Aug6th_139_EagleSummit_Pinnel MountainTrail_DryasOctopetalaRC |
Aug6_089_PinnellMtnTrail _EagleSummit_DescentRC |
Aug6_092_PinnellMtnTrail _EagleSummit_DescentRC |
  The first photo here was taken looking back at Porcupine Dome. The second photo shows that we have made it back to Mile-marker 3. The third shot shows a late season bloom of Saussurea angustifolia var. yukonensis. |
Aug6th_141_EagleSummit _PinnelMountainTrailRC |
Aug6_093_PinnellMtnTrail _EagleSummit_DescentRC |
Aug6th_162_EagleSummit_PinnelMountainTrail_ SaussureaAngustifoliaVarYukonensisRC |
  In first position here is another shot of Campanula lasiocarpa. That is followed by the Mile-marker 2 and then the Mile-marker 1 photos. We are now quite satisfied with our decision to turn around at Mile-marker 5 - we are very close to being too tired to be able to continue much farther. It feels like 10 miles is going to be plenty for us. |
Aug6th_164_EagleSummit_PinnelMountain Trail_CampanulaLasiocarpaRC |
Aug6_094_PinnellMtnTrail _EagleSummit_DescentRC |
Aug6_095_PinnellMtnTrail _EagleSummit_DescentRC |
  Now we have the parking lot and the rig in sight and here are the final three photos taken from the hike - they all show Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana. The center shot is just the leaves of it. |
Aug6th_174_EagleSummit_ AndrosaceChamaejasmeSspLehmannianaRC |
Aug6th_175Part_EagleSummit_ AndrosaceChamaejasmeSspLehmannianaRC |
Aug6th_180_EagleSummit_ AndrosaceChamaejasmeSspLehmannianaRC |
  Here are three rainbow shots. At first it seemed like it was a rainbow and one-half, and in the second photo, which is zoomed-in, you can see that it is MORE than a regular rainbow. In the third photo it has changed into a double rainbow, possibly a double rainbow and one-half. These shots were taken at about 7:30 PM using the Vivid Mode setting on my camera. |
Aug6_101_Evening AtEagleSummitRC |
Aug6_102_Evening AtEagleSummitRC |
Aug6_107_Evening AtEagleSummitRC |
  Here is one more rainbow shot and then another shot of a group of Ptarmigan as they took a stroll through the Eagle Summit Wayside parking area again tonight. This shot was taken at 11:35 PM. You may recall that it was 11:21 PM when they strolled through here last night. Interesting! |
Aug6_115_Evening AtEagleSummitRC |
Aug6th_208AT_Eagle Summit_PtarmigansRC |
End August 6th, Begin August 7th |
  On August 7th, on our way home, we stopped at a scenic viewpoint quite close to the Eagle Summit Wayside and Kazuya quickly discovered some specimens of Gentiana glauca still in bloom. The third shot is a scenic shot. |
Aug7th_004_Eagle Summit_GentianaGlaucaRC |
Aug7th_005_Eagle Summit_GentianaGlaucaRC |
Aug7_07_Coming HomeFromEagleSummitRC |
  We saw this amazing lenticular cloud - it was so very perfect and photogenic, but by the time I got the rig stopped and we got out, it was already not so amazing to see - just a moment later it was totally gone. The second shot shows a specimen of Castilleja hyperborea, a type of paintbrush. |
Aug7_17_Coming HomeFromEagleSummitRC |
Aug7th_006_EagleSummit _CastillejaHyperboreaRC |
  The first shot shows an Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) on a nesting platform along the Steese Highway and the second shot is a nice place to stop and take a fishing break along the Chatanika River. We did so, but we didn't catch anything. |
Aug7_26_ComingHomeFromEagle SummitOspreyNestingPlatformRC |
Aug7th_020 _ChatanikaRC |
  Here is a full map of the Pinnell Mountain Trail. If you're using Firefox for your browsing you will probably have to click on the map to zoom it to full size, and then you can use the horizontal and vertical scroll bars to explore the entire map. The reason it looks shorter between some Mile-markers than others is because there are several switchbacks between some Mile-markers, and they are not shown on this map. I'd be interested to hear about your experience with this map and what browser you used to view it.
End August 7th, Begin August 28th |
  In this row are three shots taken on my 70th Birthday. The first shot shows a friend, Chris, and I evaluating a tree to determine which way it wants to fall if we were to cut it down. The second shot shows Kazuya working on Daniel's Birthday Dinner and the third shot shows Daniel and Kazuya just before sitting down to eat with their friends. On the table you can see, from rear to front, Carrot Greens Tempura, Ratatouille, a beautiful Salad, made with some store bought items and also some lettuce from our own garden, a bowl of fresh Snap Peas, from our garden, and store bought tomatoes, and then, closest to the camera, a Tarte Flambee. The pot cooking on the stove is a beautiful and delicious Beef Stew, and there was also rice.
Aug28_1_Klara MaischPhotoRC |
Aug28_2_Klara MaischPhotoRC |
Aug28_3_Klara MaischPhotoRC |
  Here is an additional shot of Daniel and Kazuya just before sitting down to eat birthday dinner. The second and third shots, obviously, show Daniel's 70th Birthday Cake, of course, made by Kazuya. |
Aug28_4_Klara MaischPhotoRC |
Aug28_5_Klara MaischPhotoRC |
Aug28_6_Klara MaischPhotoRC |
  All three shots in this row show the delicious birthday cake - Daniel's requested - chocolate! |
Aug29th_1_Daniel BirthdayCakeRC |
Aug29th_2_Daniel BirthdayCakeRC |
Aug29th_3_Daniel BirthdayCakeRC |
  The first shot in this row shows Squash Blossom Tempura, which we did not have with Birthday Dinner, but we had on August 9th, as a person at Farmer's Market was selliing Squash Blossoms - the one and only time we have seen them at Farmer's Market. The second shot shows Carrot Greens (Tops) Tempura we did have this with the Birthday Dinner. This is so very, very delicious! Don't throw away your carrot greens!
Aug09th_Squash BlossomTempuraRC |
Aug9th_Carrot GreensTempuraRC |
End August 28th, End August 2017's Photos, Begin Miscellaneous Links |