2019 CALENDARS - PDF & Print Editions (Click on a type to go to that area on this page) PDF    Print   
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The Adobe Acrobat Reader (Version 9 or newer) is required to open the PDF documents shown on this page. If you don't already have this software then you will need to install it before you can open and print the calendars. Please download the version for your computer here:   
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     At this time there are only two calendars available in PDF Format for 2019 and only one as a Print edition - more may (or may not) become available as the year progresses and we have time to create them. We are including thumbnails and small images of each, which you can view in "Lightbox" before making your decision as to which one or ones to download. |
  This row consists of a Single-Page (Front and Back), Full-Year Calendar. Only a U.S.A. Calendar is available (U.S.A. Holidays and Letter Size). Full moon dates, shown by a symbol similar to a smiley, could possibly differ by one day for your specific location. It has Moon Phase and Seasons Information on the reverse side - with times of the various moon phases and seasons of the year shown in UTC (Zulu or GMT) format. |
2019 USA Calendar |
Reverse - Times Listed in GMT |
PDF - 2019 U.S.A. Calendar - U.S.A. Holidays, Letter Size Paper. Click this text to download this calendar In NEW Window. |
  The only calendar available in this row is a wallet-sized calendar. As there are no holidays shown, this calendar is suitable for world-wide use. There are 9 calendars on a single A4 Size page (210 x 297 mm = 8.27 x 11.69 inches so will print just fine on Letter Size Paper). You can print the page, cut out the calendars and have a wallet-sized calendar for each member of the family. The full moon dates (which look similar to a "smiley") could possibly differ by a day for your specific location. |
PDF - 2019 Wallet-Sized Calendar - No Holidays, 9 Calendars on an A4 size sheet of paper. Click this text to download this calendar In NEW Window. |
This calendar is available only with USA Holidays. An Amazon.com link to the Calendar is available below. Of course this calendar can be ordered through your local bookstore, just go to the Amazon link, write down the ISBN number and ask your local bookstore to order it for you. If you prefer not to look at Amazon, the ISBN is 978-0-9969810-8-8.    NOTE: There is a Sample PDF File lower down on this page. |
  This row consists of three images. The first image shows the 12 photos of Alaska which are included in the calendar. The second image shows what the January page looks like as it hangs on your wall. The third image shows the complete cover. The right side is the front cover. |
   PRINT - 2019 U.S.A. Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos - click this text to go the Amazon page. |
2019 Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos The Photos |
2019 Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos The January Page |
2019 Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos The Entire Cover |
HERE is a PDF file which shows what this calendar will look like when hanging on your wall (new window). It is 1.35 MB in size. It's COMPLETE, but Watermarked, secured against printing, reduced in size to 3.95 inches in width and PDF'd at the VERY lowest possible quality - all in an attempt to prevent theft. I suggest that you right click on the link and select "Save Link As". Then after it's downloaded to your Hard Drive in a place where you can find it again, open it in Adobe Reader - version 9 or later (very important - it most likely will not open in a version earlier than 9). |
A Collage showing most of our books and publications. For additional information about a particular title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |