posted: January 31st, 2014 |
This, the only page, begins and ends with January 25th. We did not have a New Year's adventure this year. Then, in addition to that, Kazuya had to work every Saturday until the 25th. So, our only outing was on the 25th - a trip to Nogawa Park to check on the progress of Spring Flowers. You may recall that Nogawa Park is about a 15 minute bicycle ride from our apartment. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin January 25th |
  We were fortunate to see several birds while we were looking around. We could not even get photos of all of the species which we saw! But, in this row you can see a photo of a River Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis), a Japanese Pygmy Woodpecker (Yungipicus kizuki) and a Common Chickadee. We could not get photos of the Magpies which we saw, nor the Long-tailed Chickadees, nor another species of woodpecker - the Japanese Green Woodpecker (Picus awokera). |
Jan25_07_Nogawa Pk_Alcedo_atthisRC |
Jan25_05_NogawaPk_ Yungipicus_kizukiRC |
Jan25_08_Nogawa Pk_ChickadeeRC |
  We were pleased to note that the Shibateranthis pinnatifida - Setsubunsou in Japanese - was starting to bloom, although there were only about 4 blooms on this date. But, at least it's a sign that the days are getting longer and spring may come again this year. The 3rd photo, however, shows that the Plum Blossoms have not started to open yet. It's been a cold winter, no snow at all, but cold. The Plum Blossoms are getting a bit late start this year. |
Jan25_11_NogawaPk_ Shibateranthis_pinnatifidaRC |
Jan25_15_NogawaPk_ Shibateranthis_pinnatifidaRC |
Jan25_17_NogawaPk _PlumBudsRC |
  The Chimonanthus praecox f. concolor - Roubai in Japanese was in full bloom, and some of the flowers were even beginning to wrinkle up. Wonder what this bush uses as its cue for blossoming? Maybe it's photoperiodic? That means that as soon as the day length reaches a certain number of hours that it would pretty much automatically start to bloom. Anyway, there are a few of these bushes closer to our apartment too, and we first noticed the blooms on them about 2 weeks ago. |
Jan25_18_NogawaPk_Chimonanthus _praecox_f_concolorRC |
Jan25_24_NogawaPk_Chimonanthus _praecox_f_concolorRC |
Jan25_26_NogawaPk_Chimonanthus _praecox_f_concolorRC |
End January 25th, End January 2014's Photos, Begin Miscellaneous Links |