posted: January 31st, 2020 |
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This page begins with January 12th and some very artistic snow shots taken by Kazuya.   Then there a couple of photos of a Common Raven which hangs out at the Transfer Site where we dump our garbage - it has a white wing feather.   The remainder of the page shows what Kazuya has taken up for a wintertime hobby. I'm not even going to say what it is here, you'll see in a moment or two, and I believe that you'll be quite impressed.   Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin January 12th/13th |
  On January 12th Kazuya took some snow photos which came out really nicely. They have been lightly processed to change the snow color from deep blue to more of a white shade. The tracks are moose tracks which have been snowed upon a few times. |
Jan12th_001 _SnowRC |
Jan12th_002 _SnowRC |
  Here are two more of the snow photos which Kazuya took on January 12th. The second one in this row has been processed to convert it to an HDR (High Dynamic Range) photo. Very interesting I think. |
Jan12th_003 _SnowRC |
Jan12th_004b _SnowRC |
  We've been seeing this one Common Raven at the Transfer Site where we dump our garbage, which has a white wing feather. Here are three photos which Kazuya has captured this winter. |
Jan13th_002_ WhiteRavenRC |
Jan13th_001_ WhiteRavenRC |
Dec23rd_001 _RavenRC |
End January 12th/13th, Begin Kazuya's New Wintertime Hobby |
  The first photo in this row has nothing to do with any of the other photos, but it shows me and also the Fairbanks Rings and Things shop where we often do a gig on the First Friday of each month during the off season when there is no Farmer's Market. The second and third shots show some needlework which Kazuya has been working on this winter - a new hobby. Isn't it incredibly beautiful! |
Jan3_RingsAnd Things_FirstFridayRC |
Jan11th_003 _TekonaRC |
Jan14th_005 _KoginzashiRC |
  After Kazuya made several pieces of his needlework one of our friends had the idea of making some of them into a concertina book. This person is a professional book maker, so she helped us out. These three photos give you a general idea of a concertina book. |
Jan15th_007_ KoginzashiBookRC |
Jan15th_010_ KoginzashiBookRC |
Jan15th_011_ KoginzashiBookRC |
  These two photos show the completed book. |
Jan17th_003_ KoginzashiBookRC |
Jan17th_007_ KoginzashiBookRC |
  These two photos also show the completed book. Please note that the cover has an inset piece of needlework, it is not merely stuck on the cover, it is placed into an inset of the hard cover. |
Jan17th_008_ KoginzashiBookRC |
Jan17th_012_ KoginzashiBookRC |
  Here is a final shot of the book and then an image which shows a large and a small pin cushion. The third photo shows the opposite sides of the pin cushions shown in the center photo. |
Jan17th_014_ KoginzashiBookRC |
Jan22nd_003_ Koginzashi_BiscornuRC |
Jan22nd_010_ Koginzashi_BiscornuRC |
  Here is a collage of the smaller pin cushion which you saw just above. The second photo shows some coasters and the third shot shows pin cushions and coasters. |
Pin CushionRC |
Jan23rd_003_ Koginzashi_CoastersRC |
Jan23_1_NeedleWorkRC |
  These three photos all show coasters. The center shot shows coasters with a tea set. |
Jan23_2_ NeedleWorkRC |
Jan23_3_ NeedleWorkRC |
Jan23_4_ NeedleWorkRC |
End January 2020's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 2 of 2, January 2020 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |