This is Page 1 of 1 - the best of December 2003 & Early January 2004!
posted: January 15th, 2004 |
This page includes photos taken between December 23rd, 2003 and January 1st, 2004. You'll find a trip to Kamakura and Enoshima (Island). Click on any thumbnail to begin.
  This first photo was taken from the back porch of where I work. It's the Shinjuku area. This 2nd shot is also from the back porch, but looking down. The 3rd shot is Tokyo's "Millenario" Light Show from Christmas to New Years.
  I went to Kamakura for the New Years Holidays. The 1st photo was taken from the steps of a big shrine during my 2 days of travel. The 2nd shot is some brightly colored leaves floating on the water. The 3rd photo is a Temple roof seen through some trees.
  This is the coast at Kamakura. Note all of the windsurfers. In the 2nd shot that's Mt Fuji in the background. The 3rd shot is nearly the same as the previous one.
  The first shot is from the same place as the previous one, but without zoom. The 2nd shot is merely a different exposure. In the 3rd shot you can start to see some sunset colors.
  Now it's getting close to sunset, let's watch the sun sink below the horizon. In the 3rd shot note Mt Fuji with a Lenticular Cloud.
  Watch that cloud behind the tree. In the 2nd photo it's getting real close to sunset. And in the 3rd photo the sun is just about gone.
  That cloud is amazing! In the 2nd photo you see a bit of a tree at the top right, helps with the framing. In the 3rd shot that bird is a hawk.
  In the first photo the sun is now gone! In the 2nd row note the sun rays shining through the big cloud. In the 3rd photo, taken the next morning from the same place, you can see another hawk and Mt. Fuji.
  The first photo shows Enoshima Island, my destination for today. The 2nd shot is a beer vending machine. They are becoming kind of scarce these days so thought I'd show you a photo of one. The 3rd shot is from an overlook on Enoshima Island.
  The first shot is a nice reflection of the sun on the water. The 2nd shot shows you the Observation Tower. The 3rd shot was taken from the Observation Tower shown in the previous shot. It shows the bridge connectiing this island with the mainland.
  Here is a cute little footbridge on Enoshima Island. This is the final picture from my trip to Kamakura and Enoshima Island. The next photo, Ay-O's "Year of the Monkey" Poster, was taken at Jindaiji Shrine, near my house at just about midnight on December 31st, 2003. The 3rd shot is Ringing in the New Year on the huge Shrine Bells at midnight.
  Here is a photo of the Louis Vuitton Japan, Corporate Headquarters Lounge in 1st position. In 2nd position is a collage showing the new Dior Building and the Louis Vuitton Omotesando Store.
  Here is a night photo of the FCUK (French Connection - U.K.) store and that is followed by a "lantern" which I saw at the Jindai Shrine New Year's Celebration.
  The first image in this row is an animated GIF file, 14 Sunset Pictures at Inamuragasaki Park near Kamakura on December 31st, 2003. The pause rate is 2 seconds per shot. The full file size is 879 KB, so after you click the thumbnail you'll have to wait
a while to see the entire animation (in a new window, by the way). The 2nd photo is my DVD collection as of several months ago. By the way, here is a link to my entire DVD collection if you're asking yourself what
might be good to rent for the weekend! Click Here. The DVD's will be sorted by date purchased. You can click on title to sort that way if you desire. This link will open a new browser window.
That's all for this month, hope that you found something which you enjoyed looking at.
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