posted: June 3rd, 2018 |
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This page begins with May 24th and our return driving trip to Fairbanks, from Anchorage.  There are some great photos and we were even fortunate enough to see all of Denali, North America's tallest peak (20,310 ft = 6,190.5 m).  There are a few photos of Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) and then there are several photos of Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana).  There are a couple photos of Viola renifolia, the Kidney-Leaved or White Violet, and then, to end this page, there are two photos of Kazuya's Baked Delights at the Tanana Valley Farmer's Market.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin May 24th |
  Okay, now it's May 24th, we have finished our business in Anchorage and we're headed back home to Fairbanks. The first shot shows the Chugach Mountains. It was taken a few miles north of Anchorage. The second shot was taken at the Denali South Viewpoint, within Denali State Park. This place has an amazing view of the Alaska Range to both the east and west of Denali. The second shot shows Mt. Hunter and the third shot shows Mt. Hunter and Denali, partially hidden by clouds, to the right of it.
May24th_020_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
May24_07_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
May24_09_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
  These three shots all show Denali (20,310 ft = 6,190.5 m) from the Denali South Viewpoint. |
May24_12_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
May24_13_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
May24_14_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
  All shots in this row were also taken at the Denali South Viewpoint. The third shot also shows the Susitna River. |
May24_15_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
May24th_052_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
May24_17_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
  In the first two shots in this row, you can see Denali. |
May24_18_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
May24th_053_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
May24_20_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
  All three shots in this row show Denali. If you study these photos you can truly get a feel for just how HUGE this massive mountain is. By the way, do you know that "Denali" means "the great one"? |
May24_21_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
May24_25_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
May24_30_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
  Here are our two final shots of Denali - The Great One. We felt so happy to be able to see the whole mountain. People come here every day and the statistics say that only about 30% of the people who come here are given the opportunity to see the entire mountain. Thank you for this fine weather. |
May24th_064_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
May24_31_AnchorageToFairbanks __DenaliSouthViewpointRC |
  Kazuya spotted two edible plants while we were shooting photos here. The first is Devil's Club (Oplopanax horridus). These young leaves are perfect size for making tempura. The second shot shows what is probably Shield Fern (Dryopteris expansa). |
May24th_069_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
May24th_070_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
  Here are two shots of the Alaska Range and then a shot as we were entering the tourist trap of Healy, Alaska from the south. How GROSS! |
May24th_079_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
May24th_080_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
May24th_090_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
  Here are two final shots of Healy, Alaska and the plethora of gift (junk) shops. Note that there is even a Subway Sandwich Shop. The third shot shows the only Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) we have ever seen here in Alaska, and they were sitting on a small pond just south of Nenana, Alaska. |
May24th_091_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
May24th_092_From AnchorageToFairbanksRC |
May24_01_AnchorageTo Fairbanks_Snowgeese_NenanaRC |
  Here are three more shots of Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) in a pond just south of Nenana, Alaska. |
May24_02_AnchorageTo Fairbanks_Snowgeese_NenanaRC |
May24th_002_Snow GeeseAtNenanaRC |
May24_03_AnchorageTo Fairbanks_Snowgeese_NenanaRC |
End May 24th, Begin May 27th |
  On May 27th we went up to the University of Alaska - Fairbanks (UAF), West Ridge, where we know an area in which these amazingly beautiful Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana) grow. Look at the reward we got for searching for just a few moments. |
May27_01_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
May27_05_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
May27_18_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
  Here are three more shots of Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana). Are they amazingly beautiful, or what? |
May27th_008_UAF_Calypso BulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
May27_23_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
May27_24_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
  And, another three shots of Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana). |
May27th_012_UAF_Calypso BulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
May27_29_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
May27_34_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
  More shots of Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana). Hope you're still appreciating them. |
May27_35_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
May27_47_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
May27_48_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
  In the center shot, that's Kazuya shooting a clump of Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana). |
May27th_033_UAF_Calypso BulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
May27_57_UAF_West_ CalypsoOrchid_KazuyaRC |
May27_62_UAF_ West_CalypsoOrchidRC |
  Here are what are probably the final two shots of Calypso Orchids (Calypso bulbosa var. americana) until next year. |
May27th_038_UAF_Calypso BulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
May27th_053_UAF_Calypso BulbosaVarAmericanaRC |
  We also found the kidney-leaved violet or white violet, (Viola renifolia) at this location. Here are two nice shots of that species. |
May27_70_UAF_ West_Viola_renifoliaRC |
May27th_049_UAF_ ViolaRenifoliaRC |
End May 27th, Begin (Link to Kazuya's Baked Delights Facebook Page) |
  The first photo in this row shows Kazuya's Baked Delights sharing a space with Salsa Rico at the Tanana Valley Farmer's Market. This was our first gig at Farmer's Market. The second shot shows more of an overview, it was taken on May 30th, our second day at Farmer's Market. |
May19_3_First FarmersMarketRC |
May30_1_ FarmersMarketRC |
End Kazuya's Baked Delights, End May 2018's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
Please check it out by clicking on the above button. (Click on the "Studies of Plants and Wildlife"  link in the new window.) |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 2 of 2, May 2018 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |