This is Page 1 of 1 - the best of February 2016!
posted: February 29th, 2016

This page begins (and ends) with February 7th and a trip to Nogawa Park on our bicycles.  The only thing we found that was even slightly picturesque was the Shibateranthis pinnatifida - Setsubunsou in Japanese, so that's all there is.  After that are some images of an upcoming new book - Two Years in Paradise: A Peace Corps Philippines Journal" which I hope to finish and release by midsummer 2016.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.

Begin February 7th
  On February 7th, as stated already, we bicycled to Nogawa Park to check out the progress of late winter/early spring flowers. The Roubai (see last month) was finished, only a few dried up old flowers remained. The skunk cabbage was still not in bloom, the plum blossoms were not significantly different than they were back in January and we saw no birds to speak of. The only interesting thing we saw was the Setsubunsou (Shibateranthis pinnatifida). Over the years you have been shown this earliest spring ground flower many times, and here it is again. The second and third shots show the same flower, I just moved in closer for the 3rd shot. The first two shots in the next row are also of this same flower.

  Here are two more shots of Shibateranthis pinnatifida - Setsubunsou in Japanese, the same blossom as shown in Row 1, but moving in closer and closer. The third shot was taken at a different patch of Setsubunsou - there are three separate small patches of it. In this photo please notice the acorn on the left that is beginning to send a root down and please notice the acorn caps and use them for scale.
End February 7th, Begin New Book Sneak Peek
  Here is a Sneak Peek at a book which I am working on and HOPE to have ready for readers by June or July. The title is Two Years in Paradise: A Peace Corps Philippines Journal I expect it to end up at about 500 pages or so. The first image is a mockup of the cover. I am pretty sure that this will be the final cover, but it's not set in stone, it may still change. The second image is a larger image of the blurb which will be on the back cover - please feel free to offer feedback. If you see any grammar, punctuation or spelling errors PLEASE let me know.

  And here are four interior pages. The first image shows pages 212 and 213. You will note that the book has photos. There will only be about 20 images and they will be presented in black and white to keep the price reasonable. The second image shows pages 214 and 215. Note that your name may be found in this book, but only the initial of your last name; Mark W., Ardis B., Steve A. and so on. Note also that I have included expenses for each day. Oh, by the way, I am hoping to be able to price this book at a very reasonable $17.98, but that's going to depend on the number of pages it ends up being. I know that probably not many of you will be interested in this Journal, but if you know any Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV's) or anybody who hopes to become a Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV) you might want to let them know of this upcoming book.

  There are actually three covers that I have mocked up for consideration for this book. Would you like the opportunity to have a say on what the final cover should be? You can be a part of the selection process simply by clicking on the "E-Mail Us" button at the bottom of the page and saying that you prefer cover #1, #2 or #3. Let me hear from you please.
Proposed Cover #1
Proposed Cover #1
Proposed Cover #2
Proposed Cover #2
Proposed Cover #3
Proposed Cover #3
End February 2016's Photos/Images, Begin Miscellaneous Links
  Here are links to separate web pages - all of them will open in a new window (or new tab). The first link shows some photos of our DVD Collection, an AVI Movie of our Home Theater System and 9 photos of our Sharp Aquos TV. The 2nd link shows our entire DVD collection in DVD Profiler (if you're asking yourself what might be good to rent for the weekend). The DVD's will be sorted by date purchased. You can click on the "Title" Column to sort that way if you desire. The 3rd link shows our entire DVD collection in php DVD Profiler, which is much more sophisticated than the plain vanilla DVD Profiler just above it. The 4th link takes you to a set of pages which show you the FRONT cover-art of our entire DVD collection.

January 1, 2013 - DVD Collection & Home Theater System


Please check it out by clicking on the above button.
(Click on the "Studies of Plants and Wildlife"  link in the new window.)

only search Kazuya's Blog site

Here is a small hint to let you know that we'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its Amazon.com webpage.
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 1: Mt. Daisetsu (Mt. Asahidake Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 2: Mt. Chokai (Choukai) Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 3: Mt. Gassan Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 4: Mt. Hakkoda & Mt. Zao
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 5: Mt. Kumotori Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 6: Mt. Shirane (Kusatsu) Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 7: Mt. Shibutsu Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 8: Mt. Kiso-Komagatake
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 9: Mt. Kitadake Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 10: Mt. Mizugaki Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 11: Mt. Shiroumadake (includes Mt. Shakushidake & Mt. Yarigatake Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 12: Mt. Tate (Tateyama)
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 13: Mt. Yatsugatake (Mt. Akadake) Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons - Volume 1 of 3 (Winter & Spring) Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons - Volume 2 of 3 (Summer)
Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons - Volume 3 of 3 (Autumn) Some Violets of Eastern Japan - 2nd Edition English - Ilokano AND Ilokano - English Dictionary English - Ilokano and Ilokano - English Dictionary - With Some Notes on Ilokano Culture
A Book of Anagrams - An Ancient Word Game A Book of Anagrams - An Ancient Word Game: Volume #2 Forest Resource & Allowable Cut - Fairbanks Working Circle (Alaska) Samurai Seasons Exposed: Nipponese Outdoor Rhapsodies
Heaven and Hell in the Philippines: Journal of a Peace Corps Volunteer All Calendars Wildflowers_of_Interior_Alaska Twelvemile: Summit to Summit

An animated gif of some
of our publications
(Does Not Include 100 Mountains Series)
(34 seconds)
An animated gif of some of our Publications
For details please click the "Our Books"
Button at the bottom of the page.
An animated gif of our
Climbing a Few of Japan's
100 Famous Mountains
(Paperback Editions)
(28 seconds)
An animated gif of our 'Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains' series of Books
For details please click the "Our Books"
Button at the bottom of the page.
An animated gif of our
Climbing a Few of Japan's
100 Famous Mountains
(Hardcover Editions)
(26 seconds)
An animated gif of our 'Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains' series of Books
For details please click the "Our Books"
Button at the bottom of the page.

End Miscellaneous Links, End Page 1 of 1, February 2016

Thanks so much for taking the time to look at the website this month.  We're sorry that it's not a bit more exciting.  We never made it out to Mt. Takao in search of Frost Flowers or anything very exciting at all.  Surely next month will be better as it will be Violets season.

(will open in new window)

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