posted: May 1st, 2007 |
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My vacation began on April 7th. This page covers April 1st thru April 10th. We KEPT about 1,715 pictures this month and deleted a whole bunch too! It was very difficult to pick & choose the ones you see on these 3 pages. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin April 1st |
  April 1st was a Sunday and it was great weather plus - the CHERRY BLOSSOMS were at their peak, so Kazuya made a great lunch box and we headed out for a picnic lunch under the Cherry Trees. The pictures in this row were taken on the way to where we decided to stop for lunch. We were on our bicycles. |
Apr1_ICU_ Cherry03RC |
Apr1_ICU_Gentiana_ zollingeri02RC |
Apr1_Nogawa Park03RC |
  The first shot here was still on the search for the "perfect" lunch spot. We found the spot and unpacked the lunch - here is a picture of what Kazuya made for us! We also took along a bottle of Saké and we drank that with our lunch. After lunch we continued our bicycle ride and found an area of Ornamental Peach Trees. |
Apr1_NogawaPk_Lithospermum_ zollingeri03CropRC |
April1Hanami08_ BentoRC |
Apr1_MusashinoPk_Ornamental Peach05RC |
  The only shot in this row is an ornamental peach tree in front of a cherry tree. |
Apr1_MusashinoPk_Cherry_ OrnamentalPeach05aRC |
End April 1st, Begin April 4th |
  On April 4th Kazuya went exploring for a place for us to go on the weekend and he found this brand new violet! These are Viola violacea - very small and very beautiful! |
Apr4Akigawa64_ViolaViolaceaRC |
Apr4Akigawa94_ViolaViolaceaRC |
End April 4th, Begin April 5th |
  On April 5th he went out to a spot where we often go to see what was blooming and he found Takao Violets (Viola yezoensis f. discolor). |
Apr5Hikage16_ViolaYezoensisF DiscolorRC |
Apr5Hikage33_ViolaYezoensisF DiscolorRC |
  Here is one more Takao Violet (Viola yezoensis f. discolor) and an Asarum caulescens. This is one of the Asarum's which has flowers above the soil. |
Apr5Hikage48_ViolaYezoensisF DiscolorRC |
Apr5Hikage26_Asarum CaulescensRC |
End April 5th, Begin April 7th |
  On April 7th I was on vacation and we went to the place where Kazuya went on April 4th. Here is a Viola grypoceras and two Viola violacea shots. |
Apr07_Viola_grypoceras01aRC |
Apr7Akigawa01_ViolaViolaceaRC |
Apr07_Viola_violacea18aCropRC |
  Here is the best Viola violacea shot, a Viola grypoceras f. variegata and another Viola violacea. For the "smudged" background in the first shot I used the "SMUDGE" tool in Adobe PhotoShop. |
Apr07_Viola_violacea27a CropBEST_SmudgeRC |
Apr07_Viola_grypoceras_f_ variegata03RC |
Apr7Akigawa15_Viola ViolaceaRC |
  Here is another Viola violacea, a Viola obtusa and one final Viola violacea. This final shot shows the entire plant. |
Apr07_Viola_violacea33CropRC |
Apr07_Viola_obtusa02RC |
Apr07_Viola_violacea49CropRC |
  In this row is another Viola obtusa and 2 shots of a violet which we had never seen in the wild - Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana. Quite a month so far, eh! |
Apr07_Viola_ obtusa06RC |
Apr07_Viola_chaerophylloides _f_sieboldiana01RC |
Apr7Akigawa49_Viola ChaerophylloidesFSieboldianaRC |
End April 7th, Begin April 10th |
  On April 10th we went out and climbed Mt. Takao and camped out at I-Ccho-Daira. In this row you can see that we found some Viola bissetii and lots of Viola eizanensis. |
Apr10_Takao_Viola_bisseti06RC |
Apr10_Takao_Viola_eizanensis03_BESTRC |
Apr10_Takao_Viola_eizanensis10RC |
  In this final row for April 10th, you see a Viola phalacrocarpa, some Mountain Azalea and a Jack-in-the-Pulpit (Arisaema sp.). |
Apr10_Takao_Viola_ phalacrocarpa02_BESTRC |
Apr10_Takao_Mtn_ Azalea04RC |
Apr10_Takao_Arisaema_ sp02CropRC |
End April 10th, End Page 1 |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |