This is Page 1 of 1 - the best of October 2018!
posted: October 31st, 2018

There isn't a great deal which we can show you this month.  First of all is our only Print Edition 2019 calendar example, and after that are some photos of the assembly of a "Shed-in-a-Box".  After that are some photos of our first snow and then some shots of a Black-Billed Magpie at our bird feeder.  Then we show you some photos which were taken after our second snow.  There are some photos of a couple of projects which are made of wood and then a couple shots of Kazuya's Baked Delights.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.

(will open in new window)

Our Only 2019 Print Edition Calendar
  Here are three shots which show various aspects of the only 2019 PRINT EDITION Calendar that we've made.  This is available now, the Amazon link to it is HERE.  This calendar is available only with USA Holidays.  Of course it can be ordered through your local bookstore, just go to the Amazon link, write down the ISBN number and ask your local bookstore to order it for you.  If you prefer not to look at Amazon, the ISBN is 978-0-9969810-8-8.  HERE is a PDF file which shows what this calendar will look like when hanging on your wall (new window).  It is 1.35 MB in size.  It's COMPLETE, but Watermarked, secured against printing, reduced in size to 3.95 inches in width and PDF'd at the VERY lowest possible quality - all in an attempt to prevent theft.  I suggest that you right click on the link and select "Save Link As".  Then after it's downloaded to your Hard Drive in a place where you can find it again, open it in Adobe Reader - version 9 or later (very important - it most likely will not open in a version earlier than 9).
2019 Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos - The Photos
2019 Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos
The Photos
2019 Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos - January Page
2019 Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos
The January Page
2019 Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos - The Entire Cover
2019 Calendar - Alaska Outdoor Photos
The Entire Cover

End Our 2019 Print Edition Calendar, Begin October 1st - 6th
  We had been weighing options for how/where to store our log splitter and snow blower now that winter is closing in. Last year we did not have the log splitter and we had little enough firewood in the woodshed so that we could keep the snow blower in there - this winter the woodshed has too much wood in it though. When we drove past "The Home Depot" one day we noticed this "Shed-in-a-Box" set up in their parking lot, checked it out and bought it. Somewhere on the box it states that it can be assembled in 1.5 hours. Well, it took more than 1.5 hours just to assemble the frame, as shown in the second photo in this row.

  The photos in this row continue with the "Shed-in-a-Box" assembly. The first photo shows that we have succeeded in getting the end panels on. That took another 3 or 4 hours. The final photo shows me sitting on the log-splitter after we managed to get the top on. That took another 3 or 4 hours. We decided that the stated assembly time of 1.5 hours MAY be accurate for a person or persons assembling about their fourth or fifth one of these and assembling it on a flat pad - possibly a nice asphalt or concrete pad.

End October 1st - 6th, Begin October 20th - 23rd
  Here are three images which show our first snow, so slight that it was gone by noon of the following day. Our first snow on October 20th was so late that 1920 was the last time the first snow for the season had come so late. The center image is a 2-shot panorama looking south from our porch. Note how foggy it is in these photos.

  Here are two shots taken at nearly sunset time - about 4:50 PM. The first shot was taken through the screen on the window, which I think gives it an interesting effect. For the second shot I removed the screen from the window before shooting.

  A Black-Billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia) tries to determine how to get suet from one of our suet bird feeders. Maybe you can see that the suet cake in these photos is an old one and it is falling apart, so the magpie flies up and knocks a piece off of the suet cake and then goes down to the ground (third photo) and eats what it managed to knocked down.

  Here are three more shots of the Black-Billed Magpie knocking suet out of the suet feeder. In the third shot, the bird is diving to the ground to start eating what it has knocked down.

End October 20th - 23rd, Begin October 29th
  Over the course of a week this magpie kept coming to the suet feeder every day and it finally learned how to grip on to the frame of the feeder and work on eating directly from the feeder. It also continued to just knock stuff down and then go to the ground to eat what it knocked down.

  More shots of that magpie eating and trying to eat from our suet feeder. The third shot shows the bird getting ready to "attack" the feeder once again.

  These two images are the same - a 2-shot panorama taken looking south from our front yard after our second snow on October 29th. The first image is shown in color and the second iteration of it is shown in black and white. Which appeals to you - the color one or the black and white one?

  After this second snow we took a walk up the road to enjoy the whiteness. The first shot shows the front of our house. The second image is another 2-shot panorama in which you can see the house, the woodshed and some unsplit firewood - which will not fit in the woodshed until next spring. The third shot shows Steele Creek Road and also shows that this snow is not melting.

  The first shot is zoomed in to our house from Steele Creek Road. The second shot shows Steele Creek Road from farther up the road than the previous shot of the road. The third shot shows that the weeds and brush have not yet been knocked down - not enough snow yet.

  These two shots show a field, specifically a field which is locally known as Gettinger's Field - the same field we showed you several photos of last month. Those photos were on Page 1, starting in Row 6 - HERE is a link to that section of last month's photos.

  Here are two final photos of Gettinger's Field after our second snow.

End October 29th, Begin Miscellaneous
  Well, with the snow beginning to fly around in October, I managed to finish up the final two projects which I wanted to get done before it got too cold to be able to work outdoors. We don't have a "shop", so I have to do my work out on the porch. The first shot shows a bench which I made - modeled on a very old one that I picked up somewhere, in probably about 1981 or so. It was totally falling apart and could no longer be made sturdy. The second shot shows a set of shelves which I made that are under the white-legged table shown in the third photo.

End Miscellaneous, Begin Kazuya's Baked Delights
  Here are the only two photos of Kazuya's Baked Delights for this month. The first shot is a red bean paste filled, fish shaped bread. They are quite delicious and can also be filled with a custard cream. He made them for one event and they sold quite well. The second shot shows a special order combination birthday and 6th anniversary cake. The Japanese character for 6 is 六 and is what is written on the cookie which says "Happy Happy".

End Kazuya's Baked Delights, End October 2018's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links


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We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its Amazon.com webpage.
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 1: Mt. Daisetsu (Mt. Asahidake Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 2: Mt. Chokai (Choukai) Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 3: Mt. Gassan Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 4: Mt. Hakkoda & Mt. Zao
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 5: Mt. Kumotori Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 6: Mt. Shirane (Kusatsu) Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 7: Mt. Shibutsu Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 8: Mt. Kiso-Komagatake
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 9: Mt. Kitadake Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 10: Mt. Mizugaki Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 11: Mt. Shiroumadake (includes Mt. Shakushidake & Mt. Yarigatake Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 12: Mt. Tate (Tateyama)
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 13: Mt. Yatsugatake (Mt. Akadake) Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons - Volume 1 of 3 (Winter & Spring) Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons - Volume 2 of 3 (Summer)
Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons - Volume 3 of 3 (Autumn) Some Violets of Eastern Japan - 2nd Edition English - Ilokano AND Ilokano - English Dictionary English - Ilokano and Ilokano - English Dictionary - With Some Notes on Ilokano Culture
A Book of Anagrams - An Ancient Word Game A Book of Anagrams - An Ancient Word Game: Volume #2 Forest Resource & Allowable Cut - Fairbanks Working Circle (Alaska) Samurai Seasons Exposed: Nipponese Outdoor Rhapsodies
Heaven and Hell in the Philippines: Journal of a Peace Corps Volunteer All Calendars Wildflowers_of_Interior_Alaska Twelvemile: Summit to Summit

An animated gif of some
of our publications
(Does Not Include 100 Mountains Series)
(34 seconds)
An animated gif of some of our Publications
For details please click the "Our Books"
Button at the bottom of the page.
An animated gif of our
Climbing a Few of Japan's
100 Famous Mountains
(Paperback Editions)
(28 seconds)
An animated gif of our 'Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains' series of Books
For details please click the "Our Books"
Button at the bottom of the page.
An animated gif of our
Climbing a Few of Japan's
100 Famous Mountains
(Hardcover Editions)
(26 seconds)
An animated gif of our 'Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains' series of Books
For details please click the "Our Books"
Button at the bottom of the page.

End Our Publications Links, End Page 1 of 1, October 2018

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