posted: October 5th, 2020 |
This page begins with September 5th and me holding a cabbage we bought at the Tanana Valley Farmer's Market, Kazuya made several delicious meals of various kinds of things with this cabbage.  The next shot shows the Perilla or Shiso which we got from our garden this year.  Then we take you up the Steese Highway on a trip to our favorite Lingonberry area for the harvest.  Following that are a few photos of leaf raking at our house and then a couple of photos we took while driving out the Chena Hot Springs Road on a fall color tour.  Click on any thumbnail to begin.
Begin September 5th - 12th |
  The first photo shows me with a large size cabbage which we bought from our local Tanana Valley Farmer's Market for $5. It weighed about 12 pounds (5.4 kg). The leaves were nice and large - perfect for making cabbage rolls. The second photo shows me holding the box of Shiso or Perilla - a Japanese vegetable - which we harvested from our garden. So very, very delicious. |
Sep5th_1_ DanielCabbageRC |
Sep12th_2_ DanielShisoRC |
  This photo shows our west yard on September 7th. As you can see in the background, the leaves have barely begun to turn and drop, but our yard seems well covered with leaves already. |
Sept7_ WestYardRC |
End September 5th - 12th, Begin September 17th |
  The first photo here shows great autumn color on September 17th as we drove up the Steese Highway near Fox. The photo is a tiny bit blurry because it was taken from the moving vehicle, but it's the best autumn color shot from this trip. The second and third photos show a moose cow and calf, the calf being about 5 months of age here. |
Sept17th_001 _FoxRC |
Sept17th_015_ ChatanikaRC |
Sept17th_017_ ChatanikaRC |
  Now we are on US Creek Road, which heads off to the north from about Milepost 57.2 of the Steese Highway. The US Creek Road shows in both the first and third photos. The snow covered mountains are near Mt. Prindle, to the north of us. As you can see, most of the autumn color is already gone here. |
Sept17_02_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_04_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17th_019_ DavidsonDitchRC |
  That's Kazuya in the first photo. There are such amazing colors in the Blueberry bushes. |
Sept17_06_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_07_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sep17th_01_Lingon berryHarvestRC |
  Here is one more photo which shows the red colors of the Blueberry bushes. The center shot shows Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) - this is what we came here to harvest. The third photo shows me in our Lingonberry harvest spot. |
Sept17_10_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sep17th_03_Lingon berryHarvestRC |
Sep17th_05_Lingonberry HarvestRC |
  Here are two photos which show somewhat weird stuff and then a shot which shows the countryside around us. |
Sep17th_14_Lingon berryHarvestRC |
Sep17th_16_Lingon berryHarvestRC |
Sep17th_20_Lingon berryHarvestRC |
  Now we are done picking lingonberries and just walking around shooting photos. The first photo shows Table Top Mountain at the center. The center photo shows our reward for 3 hours of work - each container holds 1.1 U.S. Gallons (4.16 Liters). Yummy! The third shot shows some very interesting colors. |
Sep17th_22_Lingon berryHarvestRC |
Sep17th_31_Lingon berryHarvestRC |
Sept17_18_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
  Here is a zoomed-in shot of Table Top Mountain. We've climbed that mountain two times in the past. The second and third shots were taken for the scenery and colors. |
Sept17_21_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_22_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_23_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
  Here are three more scenery and color shots. The outlined area of the center photo shows the area of the next photo. |
Sept17_24_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_25_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_26_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
  The first shot shows Kazuya stretching to be able to get some kind of shot. The center shot shows two Ravens which were flying about and enjoying the various air currents. There were several Ravens here, possibly for their Annual Raven Conference. The third shot shows more autumn color and the black outlined area shows the area of the next photo. The aqua outlined area shows the area of the photo after the next one. |
Sept17_27_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17th_027_ DavidsonDitchRC |
Sept17_28_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
  The first photo here shows the black outlined area of the third photo in Row 11, the center shot shows the aqua outlined area of that same photo, and the third shot shows more autumn color and scenery. |
Sept17_29_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_30_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_31_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
  Here is one final photo of the autumn colors along US Creek Road. The second and third photos were taken at around Milepost 62 on the Steese Highway. |
Sept17_32_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_33_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
Sept17_34_Lingonberry Harvest_USCreekRdRC |
End September 17th, Begin September 18th - 21st |
  Compare the first photo in this row to the photo in Row #2. Now there are a lot more leaves on the ground and a lot fewer leaves in the trees. The second and third photos show me raking them up. |
Sept18_01_ LeavesInYardRC |
Sep18th_03_ DanielRakingLeavesRC |
Sep18th_04_ DanielRakingLeavesRC |
  Here is a final shot of me raking leaves, and then two shots of the West yard after it has been completely raked. |
Sep18th_08_Daniel RakingLeavesRC |
Sept18_10_ LeavesInYardRC |
Sept18_11_ LeavesInYardRC |
  On the 21st we took a drive out the Chena Hot Springs Road to find and enjoy autumn colors on the mountainsides. Here are the two best shots we came home with. As we got higher into the hills the leaves were gone and it was just brown - we were too late for the best colors this year. |
Sep21_1_2_ReposPano_ ChenaHotSPringsRdRC |
Sep21_3_Chena HotSPringsRdRC |
End September 21st, End September 2020's Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 1 of 1, September 2020 |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at the website this month. We hope that you found something which you enjoyed. You can use the e-mail link below to respond with any feedback you might have. |
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |