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February 2015 - Favorite Photo
"Skunk Cabbage" - At Nogawa Park.   February 1st, 11:42 AM.
Feb 01 07D - Nogawa Park - Symplocarpus foetidus
FEBRUARY 2015: ONE Page This Month FEATURING A Trip to Nogawa Park * Some Birds * Shibateranthis pinnatifida - Setsubun-sou in Japanese * Symplocarpus foetidus - Zazen-sou in Japanese - A Type of Skunk Cabbage * Adonis sp. * Chimonanthus praecox - Roubai in Japanese * Field with a bit of snow * Cymbidium goeringii Seedhead - Shun-ran in Japanese * Sapindus mukurossi Tree & Seeds * A Lily Seedhead - Yuba Yuri (Old Women's Lily) in Japanese * More     (Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the February photos)

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