AUGUST 2016: THREE Pages This Month FEATURING Our Woodshed * Our House From Every Side - Outside * Our House From Many Angles - Inside *
Our Cawley 800 Woodstove Before and After Cleaning and Polishing * Some iPhone Panoramic Photos Inside the House * Our Property Photos * Beginning of Autumn Colors *
More of Our House Interior * A Riker Mount of Chitons (Genus = Chiton) * The Alaska Range (Mountains) From Near our House - Mt. Hayes, Hess Mountain and Mt. Deborah *
My Birthday Cake * Aurora Borealis Photos * Trans-Alaska (Oil) Pipeline) * Lomatogonium rotatum * Lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) *
Bunchberry (Cornus canadensis) * More   
(Click on the Photo or on this text to go directly to the August photos)