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Our 2014 Print Edition Calendars

Daniel H. Wieczorek and Kazuya Numazawa (jointly) have two 2014 Print Edition Calendars available and Daniel has one. Links to the Calendars are available below. By the way, all of these calendars can be ordered through your local bookstore, just go to the links, write down the ISBN numbers and ask them to order it for you.    NOTE: There are Sample PDF Files lower down on this page.

  Here is the first one. I created a "2014 Photo Calendar Showing Japan Mountains and Mountain Flowers" - a print edition. The first image shows the photos that can be found inside, the 2nd image shows what a one month page looks like and the 3rd image shows the cover - both front and back. The right side is the front cover. To see this Calendar's Amazon.com page CLICK HERE - (will open in new window). It retails for $9.49. You can find a Details Page with more information about this calendar HERE - (will open in new window).
2014 Photo Calendar Showing Japan Mountains and Mountain Flowers - The Photos
2014 Photo Calendar
Showing Japan Mountains and
Mountain Flowers - The Photos
2014 Photo Calendar Showing Japan Mountains and Mountain Flowers - January Page
2014 Photo Calendar
Showing Japan Mountains and
Mountain Flowers - The January Page
2014 Photo Calendar Showing Japan Mountains and Mountain Flowers - The Entire Cover
2014 Photo Calendar
Showing Japan Mountains and
Mountain Flowers - The Entire Cover

  Here is the second print calendar. Kazuya and I created this one. It's entitled "2014 Photo Calendar - Japan's Flowers, Plants & Trees". The first image again shows the photos that can be found inside, the 2nd image shows what a one month page looks like and the 3rd image shows the cover - both front and back. The right side is the front cover. To see this Calendar's Amazon.com page CLICK HERE - (will open in new window). It also retails for $9.49. You can find a Details Page with more information about this calendar HERE - (will open in new window).
2014 Photo Calendar - Japan's Flowers, Plants & Trees - The Photos
2014 Photo Calendar
- Japan's Flowers, Plants
& Trees - The Photos
2014 Photo Calendar - Japan's Flowers, Plants & Trees - The February Page
2014 Photo Calendar
- Japan's Flowers, Plants
& Trees - The February Page
2014 Photo Calendar - Japan's Flowers, Plants & Trees - The Entire Cover
2014 Photo Calendar
- Japan's Flowers, Plants
& Trees - The Entire Cover

  Here is the third and final print calendar. Kazuya and I created this one too. It's entitled "2014 Photo Calendar - Japan Mountain Scenery". The first image again shows the photos that can be found inside, the 2nd image shows what a one month page looks like and the 3rd image shows the cover - both front and back. The right side is the front cover. To see this Calendar's Amazon.com page CLICK HERE - (will open in new window). It too retails for $9.49. You can find a Details Page with more information about this calendar HERE - (will open in new window).
2014 Photo Calendar - Japan Mountain Scenery - The Photos
2014 Photo Calendar
- Japan Mountain Scenery
- The Photos
2014 Photo Calendar - Japan Mountain Scenery - The March Page
2014 Photo Calendar
- Japan Mountain Scenery
- The March Page
2014 Photo Calendar - Japan Mountain Scenery - The Entire Cover
2014 Photo Calendar
- Japan Mountain Scenery
- The Entire Cover

Here are samples of all 3 of these 30 page books (new window). They range in size from 3.2 - 3.8 MB. Each sample shows the front cover, inside cover, introductory pages, 3 calendar pages (January, February and December), the moon phase page, meet the authors page and back cover. I suggest that you right click on the link and select "Save Link As". Then after it's downloaded to your Hard Drive in a place where you can find it again, open it in Adobe Reader - version 9 or later (very important - it most likely will not open in a version earlier than 9).
#1: Japan Mountains and Mountain Flowers (Row #1) ,
#2: Japan Flowers, Plants and Trees (Row #2) ,
#3: Japan Mountain Scenery (Row #3)

To see all three of these calendars on a single Amazon.com page:    PLEASE CLICK HERE

Here is a small hint to let you know that we'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its Amazon.com webpage.
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 1: Mt. Daisetsu (Mt. Asahidake Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 2: Mt. Chokai (Choukai) Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 3: Mt. Gassan Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 4: Mt. Hakkoda & Mt. Zao
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 5: Mt. Kumotori Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 6: Mt. Shirane (Kusatsu) Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 7: Mt. Shibutsu Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 8: Mt. Kiso-Komagatake
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 9: Mt. Kitadake Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 10: Mt. Mizugaki Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 11: Mt. Shiroumadake (includes Mt. Shakushidake & Mt. Yarigatake Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 12: Mt. Tate (Tateyama)
Climbing a Few of Japan's 100 Famous Mountains - Volume 13: Mt. Yatsugatake (Mt. Akadake) Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons - Volume 1 of 3 (Winter & Spring) Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons - Volume 2 of 3 (Summer)
Outdoor Photography of Japan: Through the Seasons - Volume 3 of 3 (Autumn) Some Violets of Eastern Japan - 2nd Edition English - Ilokano AND Ilokano - English Dictionary English - Ilokano and Ilokano - English Dictionary - With Some Notes on Ilokano Culture
A Book of Anagrams - An Ancient Word Game A Book of Anagrams - An Ancient Word Game: Volume #2 Forest Resource & Allowable Cut - Fairbanks Working Circle (Alaska) Samurai Seasons Exposed: Nipponese Outdoor Rhapsodies
Heaven and Hell in the Philippines: Journal of a Peace Corps Volunteer All Calendars Wildflowers_of_Interior_Alaska Twelvemile: Summit to Summit

An animated gif of some
of our publications
(28 seconds)

For details please click the "Our Books"
Button at the bottom of the page.
An animated gif of our
Climbing a Few of Japan's
100 Famous Mountains
(28 seconds)

For details please click the "Our Books"
Button at the bottom of the page.

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Link to Amazon.com (new window).
We get 2% of whatever you spend if you go to Amazon from this link!! Please shop on Amazon from here.
If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.)