posted: December 10th, 2023 |
This page shows ONLY photos which are included in the Annual Christmas Letter for 2023. On this page are the photos/images from the entire Christmas Letter. What is the difference between these pages and the actual Christmas Letter? These pages show only the photos from the Christmas Letter and VERY brief photo descriptions. The Christmas Letter tells the actual stories behind the photos and more details about the where and why. The primary reason for this page is to allow people to see larger versions of the Christmas Letter photos. The Christmas Letter is 9 pages in length this year. There is a link to the Christmas Letter just below here. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
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"Winter Happenings" Photos from the 2023 Christmas Letter |
 The first image shows a portion of the first photo in Row 2 - this portion was used as the header image for the Christmas Letter. The second photo is on page 1 and shows a view of Gettinger's Field, The third photo, also on Page 1, shows our house and woodshed with a winter's worth of snow. |
Feb26th_1_Aurora BorealisAtHome_PartRC |
Jan11th_108_ SteeleCreekRdRC |
Feb4_1Rotate_2Rotate_ReposPano_ SIPSlect_AT_Levels_SunSnowAtHomeRC |
  Both of these photos show the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights. Both are on Page 1 of the Christmas Letter. |
Feb26th_1_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
Jan14_09_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
  Both of these photos are on Page 2 of the Christmas Letter. The first shot shows a photo of the Eastern portion of the Alaska Range, taken from the Richardson Highway. The second photo is an interior shot of the Castner Glacier Ice Cave - the person is me. |
Mar20th_005_ CastnerGlacierTripRC |
March20th_238_ CastnerGlacierRC |
"Spring Happenings" Photos from the 2023 Christmas Letter |
  These three photos are also on Page 2 of the Christmas Letter. The first two photos were taken at Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge. The third photo shows me at a spot on the Elliott Highway where I am shooting photos of Pasque Flowers. |
April25th_006_ CreamersFieldRC |
Apr25_17_Creamers FieldBirdsRC |
May12th_105_Elliott HWY_PulsatillaPatensRC |
  All three photos in this row can be found on Page 3 of the Christmas Letter. The first shot exhibits a Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens). The second photo shows Kazuya at Twelvemile Summit. The third photo shows the rare Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone multiceps). |
May12_106_ElliottHighway _PasqueFlowersMile39RC |
May24_007_Kazuya _12MileAreaRC |
May25th_144_May25_034_039_AK BlueAnemone_AnemoneMulticeps_EagleRC |
  The first two photos in this row are on Page 3 of the Christmas Letter and the third photo is on Page 4. The first shot shows Kazuya on the Denali National Park Savage River Alpine Trail. The center shot shows Gorman's Dwarf Primrose (Douglasia gormanii). The third photo shows a Roundleaf Orchid (Galearis rotundifolia). |
Jun07_09_Savage RiverAreaRC |
Jun08_61_Bison GulchTrailRC |
June19th_008_PeatPonds _GalearisRotundifoliaRC |
"Summer Happenings" Photos from the 2023 Christmas Letter |
  All three photos in this row are on Page 4 of the Christmas Letter. The first photo is of a Northern Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium passerinum). The center shot is a Spotted Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum). The third shot is an amazing Alpine Forget-me-not (Myosotis asiatica). |
Jun23_14_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumPasserinumRC |
Jun23_20_GrapefruitRocks _CypripediumGuttatumRC |
Jul03_125_DiversityGul_AlpineForget MeNot_MyosotisAsiaticaRC |
  All three of these photos can be found on Page 5 of the Christmas Letter. The first shot is of me as I wander around taking photos of the flowers. The center shot shows Kazuya as he shoots the Alpine Forget-me-not (Myosotis asiatica). The third shot is of a Scamman's Spring Beauty (Claytonia scammaniana). |
July3rd_073_TwelvemileSummit _MyosotisAsiaticaRC |
Jul03_061_Diversity Gul_KazuyaRC |
Jul03_104_DiversityGul_Scammans Springbeauty_ClaytoniaScammanianaRC |
  These three photos are also on Page 5 of the Christmas Letter. The first shot shows a type of Cottongrass (Eriophorum angustifolium). The center shot is an image of a map that shows most of the route we followed for our vacation this year. The third shot shows Kathleen Lake, YT, Canada. |
Jul03_227_Underwear Turn_CottongrassRC |
Alaska- Yukon-MapRC |
Aug04_2_ KathleenLakeRC |
  All three of these photos are on Page 6 of the Christmas Letter. The first photo was taken as we were leaving Haines, Alaska. The center photo was taken as we drove north on the Haines Highway. The third shot shows me as I shoot a photo of Three Guardsmen Mountain and Pass, on the Haines Highway. |
Aug06_12_ChilkatRiver _LeavingHainesRC |
Aug06_22_ DrivingHainesRoadRC |
Aug6th_127_ HainesHWYRC |
  Both of these photos can be found on Page 6 of the Christmas Letter. These two photos were both taken from the Dempster Highway from the Tombstone Mountain Range Viewpoint in Tombstone Territorial Park, YT, Canada. The second photo is a zoomed in version of the first photo. |
Aug09_040_DempsterHighway _TombstoneMountainAreaRC |
Aug09_041_DempsterHighway _TombstoneMountainAreaRC |
  The first shot in this row can be found on Page 6 and the second photo can be seen on Page 7 of the Christmas Letter. The first shot is an increasingly zoomed-in view of the two photos from Row 11. The second photo was also taken in Tombstone Territorial Park. |
Aug09_055_DempsterHighway _TombstoneMountainAreaRC |
Aug9th_148_ DempsterHWYRC |
"Autumn Happenings" Photos from the 2023 Christmas Letter |
  All three photos here are from Page 7 of the Christmas Letter. The first shot is our house surrounded by autumn colors. The center photo shows an amazing Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) cluster. The third photo is a scenic view along US Creek Road. |
Sep24_01_Walk FromHomeRC |
Sep26_11_USCreek Rd_LingonberryRC |
Sep26_03_US CreekRdRC |
  The first photo here is from Page 7 of the Christmas Letter and the following two photos are from Page 8. The first shot was taken while looking out of our west window. The center shot is our Christmas Cactus on October 14th. The third shot shows a small herd of Caribou (Rangifer tarandus at Eagle Summit. |
Sep30_2_Fallen LeavesAtHomeRC |
Oct14_4_5_6_Auto_ Panorama_ChristmasCactusRC |
Oct24th_042_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
  Both of these photos can be seen on Page 8 of the Christmas Letter. The first shot again shows Caribou at Eagle Summit. The second shot shows our house and woodshed with the Aurora Borealis dancing in the sky above us. |
Oct24th_098_Eagle Summit_CaribouRC |
Nov25_08_Aurora BorealisAtHomeRC |
"Other Happenings" Photos from the 2023 Christmas Letter |
  Both of these photos are from Page 9 of the Christmas Letter. The first image shows the Tanana Valley Farmers Market 50th Anniversary Logo. The final shot shows me celebrating my 76th Birthday on August 28th. Thank you Kazuya. |
TVFM_50th AnniversaryRC |
Aug28_2_4_KazuyaiPh _Daniel76_BirthdayRC |
End 2023 Christmas Letter Photos, Begin Our Publications Links |
We'd be thrilled to have you buy one of our books. For additional information regarding any title please click the "General Information" tab on the "Our Books" button down at the bottom of this page. Click on any thumbnail to go to its webpage. |
End Our Publications Links, End Page 1 of 1, 2023 Christmas Letter |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at the website this month. We hope that you found something which you enjoyed. You can use the e-mail link below to respond with any feedback you might have. |
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If you would like to donate to our hiking & traveling fund or show your appreciation for our efforts you can donate through PayPal. A single donation will entitle you to request a single full-sized photo IN THE DONATION MONTH - which you may then use as a desktop wallpaper or whatever. The copyright will be retained by us and the photo will be inconspicuously marked with the copyright symbol (©), year and photographer's name. (Donation probably not tax deductible.) |