posted: September 2nd, 2005 |
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Photos included on this page are only those taken between August 6th and August 11th at 11:02 AM. See page 2 for the rest of the month. Note that some files are rather large this time - I'll warn you here about the larger ones. Click on any thumbnail to begin.
  On August 6th we took a trip to Mt. Mitake and checked out the Rengeshouma. They always bloom in August, but one is never sure on which weekend they will be at their peak. They were not at their peak when we went, but we got some good shots anyway. The first photo is an unknown white flower, a weed actually, but interesting. The 2nd and 3rd photos are Rengeshouma flowers. |
MtMitake FlowerAug2005_03RC |
Aug_05MtMitake Rengeshouma06aRC |
Aug_05MtMitake Rengeshouma09RC |
  The first photo here is an unknown red berry. The other 2 shots are Rengeshouma. The 3rd shot shows how many unopened buds there were. |
MtMitakeAugust _18RC |
Aug_05MtMitake Rengeshouma13RC |
Aug_05MtMitake Rengeshouma27RC |
  The first shot here is another one of Kazuya's dragon flies, which he is famous for. The 2nd shot is at the summit of Mt. Mitake - Taiko Drums at the Rengeshouma Festival. The 3rd shot is another Rengeshouma, which somebody before us sprayed so that it looks like dew on it. |
MtMitakeAugust_32RC |
MtMitakeAugust_33RC |
Aug_05MtMitakeRengeshouma38aRC |
  The first show here is the "Dewy" Rengeshouma again and the 2nd shot is the final Rengeshouma. The 3rd shot is the summit of Mt. Hinode - where we have camped out many times, in fact, you saw pictures taken from there last month. |
Aug_05MtMitake Rengeshouma39_BestRC |
Aug_05MtMitake Rengeshouma41RC |
Mt_HinodeFromMt_ Mitake02RC |
  On August 8th we started a one week vacation. I went to Kazuya's home town in Yamagata Prefecture. You can find a map on the 2nd Page. This is a panorama shot of Shinjo train station - the place where we took the Shinkansen train to, from Tokyo. The 2nd and 3rd shots are near Kazuya's house on August 9th - Sabane-Yama, where there is a small shrine. |
ShinjoStationPanorama02_03RC |
FunagataSabane_yama02RC |
FunagataSabane_yamaShrine01RC |
  The first photo in this row is a huge Mountain Lily at Sabane-Yama. The 2nd shot is a pond full of flowering water lilies - also at Sabane-Yama (119 KB) and the 3rd shot is an amazing Fireworks photo. I used the tripod and set the shutter speed for 10 seconds and then pressed the shutter when the fireworks were shot off. Many of them came out poorly, but 4 of them came out nicely. We were at a river bridge, so you can see the reflection in the water. Kazuya's father drove us all to this place. |
FunagataSabane_ yamaLily02RC |
Sabaneyama 4RC |
Funagata Fireworks08aRC |
  This row shows 3 more fireworks. |
FunagataFireworks17aRC |
FunagataFireworks10aRC |
FunagataFireworks20RC |
  The first 2 shots in this row are some purple morning glory's in Kazuya's neighbor's garden. This is now August 10th. Kazuya's father arranged a Mogami River trip for us. His father and mother drove us to the start and we got on the boat and then they drove to the ending point to pick us up. The 3rd shot is his mother and father waving goodbye to us as we pull away from the dock. The Mogami River is the 3rd largest & fastest in Japan, an important river for trade in days gone by. |
FunagataKazuyaNeighbor MorningGlory05RC |
FunagataKazuyaNeighbor MorningGlory01RC |
MogamiRiver_BoatTrip02 KazFamilyRC |
  All 3 shots in this row are on the river trip. The first is from the boat, The 2nd is the boat driver and the 3rd shot shows the guide (in the front) and the only other 2 passengers on this trip - the first trip of the day. |
MogamiRiver_BoatTrip05RC |
MogamiRiver_BoatTrip10RC |
MogamiRiver_BoatTrip12RC |
  The first shot is me with the boat trip driver and guide. Then, after the boat trip, we drove as high as one can drive on Mt. Gassan (about 1,400 meters = 4,593 feet). We walked around the beginning of the climbing trail to the summit. The 2nd shot is a beautiful pink flower and the 3rd shot is a butterfly, actually taken by me! |
MogamiRiverBoat2RC |
MtGassanFlower01RC |
MtGassanButterfly02RC |
  The first show here is a beautiful shot taken by Kazuya. The 2nd shot is taken by me and the 3rd shot is Kazuya and his mother and father at a tiny Shrine - the place where we turned around and headed back to the car. |
Gassan13_MiyamaRindouRC |
MtGassanWhiteFlower02RC |
MtGassanTinyShrine01RC |
  The first shot here shows the number of mountain lilies on Mt. Gassan. The 2nd shot is a small alpine pond and the 3rd shot is me standing beside a map. By this time it had started raining. Sorry that the map is just barely readable, that's what happens when one has to reduce size and quality for the web. I believe you can make out the parking lot and my finger, which points to the trail which we hiked to the tiny shrine. |
MtGassanGrass_Lily02RC |
MtGassanGrass_Lily03RC |
Gassan28_DanWithMapRC |
  After Mt. Gassan Kazuya's folks drove us to Sakata (see map - page 2) - where they left us and returned home and we checked into a business hotel for the night for a climb of Mt. Choukai the next day. The first 2 shots are around Sakata City on the evening of August 10th. The 3rd shot is the hotel where we stayed. |
SakataEveningWalk05_ParkRC |
SakataEveningWalk11_HonmaRC |
SakataOurHotel_Alpha_1_01RC |
  All 3 shots in this row are from the parking lot where the bus took us for the start of our climb of Mt. Choukai (2,236 meters = 7,336 feet). In all 3 shots you can see the Sea of Japan off in the distance. |
MtChoukai9RC |
MtChokai_Hokodate_Ocean11RC |
MtChokai_Hokodate14RC |
  The first shot is a map of the Mt. Choukai trails. I believe you can figure out the "you are here" (red print). I assume that you can also find the summit. In between is an alpine lake and a hut - which I will refer to as the "mid-slope hut" in following photos. The 2nd shot shows a scene from the trail and the 3rd shot is a pretty orange berry. |
MtChoukai96_MapRC |
MtChokai_Climbing02RC |
MtChokai_OrangeBerry01RC |
  In this row - a green flowered orchid, another dragonfly and a high mountain violet -- ON AUGUST 11th! |
MtChoukai12_GreenOrchidRC |
MtChoukai16_OniYanmaRC |
MtChokai_PurpleVioletRC |
  The first shot shows the great profusion of high alpine lilies - they were practically unbelievably perfect - no insects on them, no flaws at all. The 2nd and 3rd shots show closer photos of a lily flower. |
MtChokai_ GrassLily01RC |
MtChoukai21_ NikkoKisugeRC |
MtChoukai22_ NikkoKisugeRC |
  The first shot is a great contrast of color (108 KB). The 2nd shot is me beside a lily and the 3rd shot is an alpine yellow violet - again on AUGUST 11th! |
MtChokai_ButtercupSeed _RedFruit05RC |
MtChoukai25_ DanRC |
MtChoukai31_Kibana KomanotsumeRC |
Thanks so much for taking the time to look at this page. Now, please go on to Page 2 for the continuation of this climb of Mt. Choukai as well as other August 2005 adventures. |
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