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The intent of this page is to give you a single place where nearly everything is so that you can use the "find" function of your browser to search for something and be able to "find" all of the months, or how many times some specific thing was done and photos can be viewed. For example, if you are asking yourself "How many times have they climbed Mt. Kumotori?" or "What month do they usually find Cymbidium goeringii?" this is the place to find the answer.

2024 Photo Pages

2023 Photo Pages

2023 Annual Newsletter and Photos: ONE Page - The 2023 Annual Newsletter * Plus Larger Size Versions of All 42 Photos That Are Included in it

July & August 2023 Photos: THREE Pages - A Trip to Twelvemile and Eagle Summits for the 4th of July * Frigid Shooting Star (Dodecatheon frigidum) * Alpine Forget-Me-Not (Myosotis asiatica) * A Scud Cloud * Pink Plumes (Bistorta plumosa) * Scamman's Springbeauty (Claytonia scammaniana) * Alaska Springbeauty (Claytonia sarmentosa) * Alaska Harebell (Campanula lasiocarpa) * Cottongrass (Eriophorum vaginatum) * Cottongrass (Eriophorum angustifolium) * Arctic Forget-Me-Not (Eritrichium nanum) * A Moss * In The Clouds at Eagle Summit * Yellow Flowers Beside Steele Creek Road * The Best Photos from our 2023 Vacation * Smoke in the Sky * Gerstle River * Kazuya at the US/Canada Border * Congdon Creek Campground - Destruction Bay Kluane Lake * Sheep Mountain Area - Yukon Territory * Kathleen Lake - Yukon Territory * Scenery Along the Haines Highway * Million Dollar Falls - Yukon Territory * Three Guardsmen Lake and Mountain * Chilkat River and Mountains Near Haines, Alaska * Chilkat State Park, Haines - Lutak Inlet * Haines Fairgrounds - Farmers Market * Driving North on the Haines Highway * Kathleen Lake (again) * Descending Into Haines Junction, Y.T. * Fox Lake Campground - Klondike Highway * Klondike Highway, Carmacks, Y.T. * Five Finger Rapids - Yukon River - Klondike Highway * Pelly Crossing Area - Klondike Highway * Dempster Highway Junction on the Klondike Highway * Dempster Highway - Tombstone Territorial Park * Tombstone Park - Hiking Map * Scenery Shots Along Dempster Highway in Tombstone Territorial Park * Dempster Highway - Tombstone Range Viewpoint * A Single Caribou * Dawson City Y.T. Viewpoint * Dawson City Farmers Market * Dawson City Free Yukon River Ferry Crossing * Driving The Top of the World Highway * More

2022 Photo Pages

June 2022 Photos: TWO Pages - A Trip to Twelvemile and Eagle Summits * The Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone multiceps) * Parry's Wallflower (Parrya nudicaulis) * Snow Buttercup (Ranunculus nivalis) * Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata) * Arctic Lupine (Lupinus arcticus ssp. arcticus) * A Visit to "The Peat Ponds" on the West Side of Fairbanks * Bog Cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) * Roundleaf Orchid (Galearis rotundifolia) * Upper Grapefruit Rocks * Twinflower (Linnaea borealis) * Spotted Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) * Dwarf Mountain Fleabane (Erigeron compositus) * A Thunderstorm at Gettinger's Field * Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) * American Robin (Turdus migratorius) and a Hairy Woodpecker (Leuconotopicus villosus) Staring Each Other Down * Another trip to Twelvemile and Eagle Summits * Oeder's Lousewort (Pedicularis oederi) * Frigid Shooting-star (Dodecatheon frigidum) * Alpine Forget-me-not (Myosotis asiatica) * Scamman's Springbeauty (Claytonia scammaniana) * Moss Campion (Silene acaulis) * Wolf Scat and Caribou Remains * Snow Arnica (Arnica griscomii ssp. frigida) * Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala) and Caribou Remains * Twice-hairy Butterweed (Tephroseris lindstroemii) * Macoun's Poppy (Papaver macounii) * Yukon Grounsel (Tephroseris yukonensis) * Eagle Summit Wayside - Smoky Skies * Apetalous Catchfly (Silene uralensis ssp. uralensis) * Arctic Forget-me-not (Eritrichium nanum) * Purple Bittercress (Cardamine purpurea) * Lapland Rosebay (Rhododendron lapponicum) * Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) * Long-pod Stitchwort (Minuartia macrocarpa) * Forest Fire Smoke near Chatanika * More

2021 Photo Pages

July 2021 Photos: FIVE Pages (for the tenth time) - A July 6, 7 trip to Twelvemile and Eagle Summits * Monkshood (Aconitum delphinifolium) * Arctic Harebell (Campanula uniflora) * Pink Plumes (Bistorta plumosa) * Scamman's Springbeauty (Claytonia scammaniana) * Northern Larkspur (Delphinium brachycentrum) * Frigid Shooting-star (Dodecatheon frigidum) * Little Weaselsnout (Lagotis minor) * Alpine Forget-me-not (Myosotis asiatica) * Yukon Saw-wort (Saussurea angustifolia var. yukonensis) * Oeder's Lousewort (Pedicularis oederi) * Marsh Saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus) * Moss Campion (Silene acaulis) * Black-tipped Groundsel (Senecio lugens) * Northern Marsh Violet (Viola biflora) * Twelvemile and Eagle Summits Scenery * Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) * More

Our Driving and Hiking Vacation around the State of Alaska * Fairbanks to Delta Junction - The Tanana River * Delta Junction to Tok - The Gerstle River * Yellow Mountain-Avens (Dryas drummondii) * A Mirage * The Taylor Highway to Chicken - Sand Dunes * Mount Fairplay Panorama * Mount Fairplay Wayside * Alpine Knotweed (Polygonum alpinum) * Windmill Fringed Gentian (Gentianopsis detonsa) * Chicken, Alaska * Northern Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium passerinum) * Foxtail Grass (Hordeum jubatum) * Taylor Highway Scenery * Top Of The World Highway - Alaska/Canada Border * A Short Hike * Alaska Harebell (Campanula lasiocarpa) * Tok Cutoff Highway - Slana River Area * An Immature Eagle * The Richardson Highway - Glennallen Area * Copper River * Thompson Pass * Woolly Geranium (Geranium erianthum) * Thompson Pass - White Marsh Marigold (Caltha leptosepala) * Fireleaf Leptarrhena (Leptarrhena pyrolifolia) * Nootka Lupine (Lupinus nootkatensis) * Pixie Eye Primrose (Primula cuneifolia ssp. saxifragifolia) * Inky (Pale) Gentian (Gentiana glauca) * Langsdorf's lousewort (Pedicularis langsdorfii) * Aleutian Mountainheath (Phyllodoce aleutica) * Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii) * Wandering Fleabane (Erigeron peregrinus) * Ledge Stonecrop (Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. integrifolia) * Capitate Lousewort (Pedicularis capitata) * Alaska Violet (Viola langsdorffii) * Valdez - Valdez Glacier Campground * Valdez Glacier Lake and Icebergs * Common Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris) * Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis) * Fringecup (Tellima grandiflora) * Valdez Small Boat Harbor * Keystone Canyon * Thompson Pass Again - Amazing Glacier Scenery * Ponds and Lakes * White Bog Orchid (Platanthera dilatata) * Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa) * Worthington Glacier * Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) and Three Cygnets * Glenn Highway - Glennallen to Palmer * Wrangell-St. Elias Mountains * Thompson Pass Area - Craigie Creek Area * Star Gentian (Swertia perennis) * Broad-petaled Gentian (Gentiana platypetala) * Whorled Lousewort (Pedicularis verticillata) * Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis) * Scenery * Climb To A Pond in the Hatcher Pass Area * Coming Home From Vacation - a Night at Moon Lake Campground * More

June 2021 Photos: FOUR Pages - Several Photos of Hairy Woodpeckers (Leuconotopicus villosus) and Downy Woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) * American Robin (Turdus migratorius) Bathing * Our Garden * White Cottongrass (Eriophorum scheuchzeri) * Spotted Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) * Arctic Bramble or Arctic Raspberry (Rubus arcticus) * Hare Bells (Campanula lasiocarpa) * Grapefruit Rocks * Small-Flower Columbine (Aquilegia brevistyla) * Arctic Lupine (Lupinus arcticus ssp. arcticus) * Three-Toothed Saxifrage (Saxifraga tricuspidata) * Narrowleaf Arnica (Arnica angustifolia) * Death Camas (Anticlea elegans) * Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens) Seedheads * Common Juniper (Juniperus communis var. depressa) * Calypso Orchid (Calypso bulbosa var. americana) * Raven (Corvus corax) in Nest * Prickly Wild Rose (Rosa acicularis) * Elliott Highway Scenery * Snow Arnica (Arnica griscomii ssp. frigida) * Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala) * A Form of Narcissus-Flowered Anemone (Anemone narcissiflora f. viridis) * Fragrant Woodfern (Dryopteris fragrans) * A Sundog * Porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum) * Minto Flats * Minto Village * Arctic Wintergreen (Pyrola grandiflora) * A Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis) * Manley Hot Springs * Ostrich Fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris) * The Tanana River at Manley * The Manley Roadhouse * Water Arum (Calla palustris) * Gmelin's Buttercup (Ranunculus gmelinii) * A Trip to Murphy Dome * Langsdorf's lousewort (Pedicularis langsdorfii) * Narcissus-Flowered Anemone (Anemone narcissiflora) * Mountain Azalea (Kalmia procumbens) * Fries' Pussytoes (Antennaria friesiana) * Tall Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium acutiflorum) * Long-pod Stitchwort (Minuartia macrocarpa) * Longstalk Starwort (Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes * Pink Plumes (Bistorta plumosa) * Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus) * A Most Amazing Sun Halo * Grapefruit Rocks - Again * Spotted Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) * Dwarf Mountain Fleabane (Erigeron compositus) * Lehmann s rock-jasmine (Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana) * The Haystack Forest Fire * A Trip to Angel Rocks * Angel Rocks Scenery * Macoun's Poppy (Papaver macounii) * Showy Jacob's-ladder (Polemonium pulcherrimum) * Northern Marsh Violet (Viola biflora) * More

2020 Photo Pages

July 2020 Photos: FIVE Pages (for the ninth time) - A Trip to Wickersham Dome * Labrador Lousewort (Pedicularis labradorica) * Canadian Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) * Elegant Paintbrush (Castilleja elegans) * Alaska Harebell (Campanula lasiocarpa) * Bearberry (Arctous alpina) * Scenery from Wickersham Dome * Reindeer Moss (Cladina stellaris) * Pale Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja caudata) * Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus) and Fledgling - Suet Training Day * Twelvemile Summit Area * Alpine Forget-me-not (Myosotis asiatica) * Northern Marsh Violet (Viola biflora) * Macoun's Poppy (Papaver macounii) * Mountain Valerian (Valeriana capitata) * Miniature Willow Species (Salix sp.) * Longstalk Starwort (Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes) * Yukon Saw-wort (Saussurea angustifolia var. yukonensis) * Tall Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium acutiflorum) * Narrowleaf Saw-wort (Saussurea angustifolia var. angustifolia) * Monkshood (Aconitum delphinifolium) * A Bird's Nest with Eggs * Black-tipped Groundsel (Senecio lugens) * Scamman's Springbeauty (Claytonia scammaniana) * Alaska Springbeauty (Claytonia sarmentosa) * Bog Rosemary (Andromeda polifolia var. polifolia) * Twelvemile Summit Scenery * Dwarf Marsh Violet (Viola epipsila ssp. repens) * Dwarf Hawksbeard (Crepis nana) * Yellow Thimbleweed (Anemone richardsonii) * Beauverd Spirea (Spiraea stevenii) * Sudetic Lousewort (Pedicularis sudetica) * Eagle Summit Area Sunset and Then Sunrise * Climbing Mastodon Dome * Northern Larkspur (Delphinium brachycentrum) * Snow Arnica (Arnica frigida) * Little Weaselsnout (Lagotis minor) * Dwarf Arctic Ragwort (Packera cymbalaria) * Apetalous Catchfly (Silene uralensis ssp. uralensis) * Rain Squall Scenery * Pink Plumes (Plumosa bistorta) * Cottongrass (Eriophorum angustifolium) * Arctic Harebell (Campanula uniflora) * Vacation * South of Delta Junction * Great Burnet (Sanguisorba officinalis) * Moose and Calf * Windmill Fringed Gentian (Gentianopsis detonsa) * Fourpart Dwarf Gentian (Gentianella propinqua) * Richardson Highway Rainbow Ridge * Summit Lake - Paxson Area * Woolly Geranium (Geranium erianthum) * Glacier Scenery * Denali Highway - American Golden Plover (Pluvialis dominica) * Copper River Near Glenallen * Liberty Creek Falls - On the Road to Chitina * The Mighty Copper River at Chitina * Dip-netting for Salmon in the Copper River at Chitina * Worthington Glacier - 1975/2020 Comparison * Thompson Pass Area Hiking * Partridgefoot (Luetkea pectinata) * American Alpine Speedwell (Veronica wormskjoldii) * Nootka Lupine (Lupinus nootkatensis) * Aleutian Mountainheath (Phyllodoce aleutica) * Pixie Eye Primrose (Primula cuneifolia ssp. saxifragifolia) * Alaska Bellheather (Cassiope stelleriana) * Scenery * White Marsh Marigold (Caltha leptosepala) * Driving to Valdez * Western Columbine (Aquilegia formosa) * Keystone Canyon - Bridal Veil Falls & Horsetail Falls * Cow Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) * Lady's Thimble (Campanula rotundifolia) * Sitka Burnet (Sanguisorba canadensis) * Yellow Monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus) * Keystone Canyon - Fog on the River * Valdez * Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) * Small Boat Harbor * Arctic Terns (Sterna paradisaea) * Return to Thompson Pass * Broadleaf Arnica (Arnica latifolia) * Fireleaf Leptarrhena (Leptarrhena pyrolifolia) * Sitka Valerian (Valeriana sitchensis) * Alaska Violet (Viola langsdorffii) * White Bog Orchid (Platanthera dilatata) * Hiking at Worthington Glacier * Driving to Palmer * Matanuska Glacier * Hatcher Pass and Hiking There * Northern Green Orchid (Platanthera hyperborea) * Green False Hellebore (Veratrum viride var. eschscholzianum) * Hatcher Pass Scenery Photos * Craigie Creek Trail Hike * Whorled Lousewort (Pedicularis verticillata) * Snowline Wintergreen (Pyrola minor) * Star Gentian (Swertia perennis) * Albino Form of Woolly Geranium (Geranium erianthum) * Chocolate Lily (Fritillaria camschatcensis) * Broad Petaled Gentian (Gentiana platypetala) * Alaska Iris (Iris setosa) * Craigie Creek Canyon Scenery * Independence Mine State Historical Park * Driving Home * More

June 2020 Photos: FOUR Pages - A Pair of Horned Grebes (Podiceps auritus) * Eagle Summit * Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata) * Blackish Oxytrope (Oxytropis nigrescens var. nigrescens) * Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone multiceps aka A. drummondii) * Snowy Scenery * Mountain Avens (Dryas octopetala) * Parry's Wallflower (Parrya nudicaulis) * Snow Buttercup (Ranunculus nivalis) * Lapland Rosebay (Rhododendron lapponicum) * A Nice Circle Lichen * A Male Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) Collage * Narcissus-flowered Anemone (Anemone narcissiflora) * Kjellman's Groundsel (Tephroseris kjellmanii) * Denali National Park - Climbing the Savage Alpine Trail * Lehmann s rock-jasmine (Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana) * Frigid Shooting-star (Dodecatheon frigidum) * An Interesting Small Fern * One-flower Cinquefoil (Potentilla uniflora) * Ciliate Saxifrage (Saxifraga eschscholtzii) * Sandwort (Arenaria chamissonis) * Ledge Stonecrop (Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. integrifolia) * Few-flowered Corydalis (Corydalis pauciflora) * Alaska Spring-beauty (Claytonia sarmentosa) * Pincushion plant (Diapensia lapponica var. obovata) * Northern Anemone (Anemone parviflora) * Moss Campion (Silene acaulis) * Mountain Death-camas (Anticlea elegans) * Three-toothed Saxifrage (Saxifraga tricuspidata) * Two-flowered Violet (Viola biflora) * What Animal Made This Pile of Scat? * Flowery Scenery * Flower Fields * Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii) * Arctic-bell Heather (Cassiope tetragona) * Climbing the Bison Gulch Trail * Alpine Milkvetch (Astragalus alpinus var. alpinus) * Mt. Healy * Long-pod Stitchwort (Minuartia macrocarpa) * Capitate Lousewort (Pedicularis capitata) * Snow Arnica (Arnica frigida) * Arctic Lupine (Lupinus arcticus) * Purple Saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia) * Denali - The Great One - in all its Splendor * Moose and New-born Calf * Caribou (Rangifer tarandus * Great Yellow Pond-lily (Nuphar polysepala) * Alaska Iris (Iris setosa) * A Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Comes to Visit us at Home * A Trip to Grapefruit Rocks * Smallflower Columbine (Aquilegia brevistyla) * Labrador Tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum) * Spotted Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) * Dwarf Mountain Fleabane (Erigeron compositus) * A Yellow-rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata) Takes a Bath * A Black-billed Magpie (Pica hudsonia) Stops by for Suet * Another Trip to Eagle Summit * Oeder's Lousewort (Pedicularis oederi) * Arctic Forget-me-not (Eritrichium nanum) * Little Weaselsnout (Lagotis minor) * Northern Lady Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium passerinum) * Northern Green Orchid (Platanthera aquilonis) * Arctic Bellflower (Campanula uniflora) * Eagle Summit Area - Evening Sun & Flowers * Inky (Pale) Gentian (Gentiana glauca) * Incredible Frigid Shooting Star (Dodecatheon frigidum) Shots * Tall Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum ssp. villosum) * Macoun's Poppy (Papaver macounii) * Pink Plumes (Bistorta plumosa) * Yukon Grounsel (Tephroseris yukonensis) * Albino Tall Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum ssp. villosum) * Gravity Wave Clouds * Twice-hairy Butterweed (Tephroseris lindstroemii) * More

May 2020 Photos: FIVE Pages (for the eighth time) - A Grapefruit Rocks Trip * Wickersham Dome * White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) * Golden-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia atricapilla) * Fox Sparrow (Passerella iliaca) * Trumpeter Swans (Cygnus buccinator) * Moose (Alces alces) * Grapefruit Rocks Again * Pasque Flowers (Pulsatilla patens) * Common Mergansers (Mergus merganser) * A Visit to Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge * Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) * Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) * Snow Geese (Chen caerulescens) * A Ross's Goose (Chen rossii) * Spring Green-up at Home * A Trip to Denali National Park * More Moose * Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) * Willow Ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus) * Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus parryii) * Grizzly Bears (Ursus arctos) * Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) * Dall Sheep (Ovis dalli) * Savage River Ice * Climbing Mt. Healy from Bison Gulch * Arctic-sweet Coltsfoot (Petasites frigidus) * Arctic Wind-flower (Anemone parviflora) * A Rare Double-petaled Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens) * Gorman's Dwarf Primrose (Douglasia gormanii) * Purple Saxifrage (Saxifraga oppositifolia) * A Lichenized Yellow Fungi (Vulpicida tilesii) * A Wilson's Warbler (Cardellina pusilla) * Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) * Minto Flats * More Spring Green-up at Home * Hairy Woodpecker (Leuconotopicus villosus) * A Drive Out the Chena Hot Springs Road * Pond Scenery * American Wigeon (Mareca americana) * Green-winged Teal (Anas crecca carolinensis) * A Pair of White-winged Crossbills (Loxia leucoptera) * Long-billed Dowitcher (Limnodromus scolopaceus) * A Woodchuck (Marmota monax) * A Third Trip to Grapefruit Rocks * Mountain Avens (Dryas integrifolia) * Scenery * Common Alplily (Lloydia serotina) * Snow Cinquefoil (Potentilla nivea) * Three-toothed Saxifrage (Saxifraga tricuspidata) * Reflexed Saxifrage (Micranthes reflexa) * Sweet-flower Rock Jasmine (Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana) * An Ice Bridge at Globe Creek * Looking Back at Grapefruit Rocks from Globe Creek * Kidney-leaf Violet (Viola renifolia) * Amazing Pollen in the Air * Calypso Orchid (Calypso bulbosa var. americana) * A Trip to Twelvemile Summit and Eagle Summit * Alaska Kittentails (Synthyris borealis) * Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps) * Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata) * Interesting Moss * Mountain azalea (Kalmia procumbens) * Purple oxytrope (Oxytropis nigrescens var. nigrescens) * Interesting Lichens on Rocks * Snowy Scenery at Underwear Turnout * More

2019 Photo Pages

June 2019 Photos: FOUR Pages - Highbush Cranberry (Viburnum trilobum) in our Yard * Davidson Ditch Rest Area, Steese Highway * Snow Buttercup (Ranunculus nivalis) * Twelvemile Summit Scenery * Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata) and an Albino Form * Kjellman's Groundsel (Tephroseris kjellmanii) * Bearberry (Arctostaphylos alpina) * Alpine Azalea (Kalmia procumbens) * Parry's Wallflower (Parrya nudicaulis) * Alaska Kittentails (Synthyris borealis) and an Albino Form * Alaska Blue Anemone (Anemone drummondii aka A. multiceps) * A Beautiful 3:00 AM Sunrise * Eagle Summit Area Scenery * Pincushion Plant (Diapensia lapponica ssp. obovata) * Purple Oxytrope (Oxytropis nigrescens var. nigrescens) * A Hail Storm at Home * Upper Grapefruit Rocks * Massing Butterflies at a Mud Puddle * Smallflower Columbine (Aquilegia brevistyla) * Shrubby Cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa) * Labrador Tea (Rhododendron tomentosum aka Ledum groenlandicum) * Spotted Lady's Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) * Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla patens) Seedhead * Showy Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. lindleyi) * An Old Burn near Upper Grapefruit Rocks * Narcissus-Flowered Anemone (Anemone narcissiflora) * Canadian Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) * A Tour of Fairbanks' Gold Dredge #8 * Creamer's Field - Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis) * A Field of Cottongrass (Eriophorum vaginatum) * Moss Campion (Silene acaulis) * Arctic Forget-Me-Not (Eritrichium nanum) * Watching the Sun-Not-Set * The Knotty Shop * An Arctic Circle Driving Adventure * The Yukon River & Bridge * Finger Mountain * The Arctic Circle * Kazuya's Baked Delights * More

2018 Photo Pages

July 2018 Photos: FOUR Pages - A July 3rd Trip to Upper Grapefruit Rocks and the Wickersham Dome Area * Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) * Smallflower Columbine (Aquilegia brevistyla) * Northern Groundcone (Boschniakia rossica) * Death Camas (Anticlea elegans) * Spotted Lady s Slipper Orchid (Cypripedium guttatum) * Scenery from Upper Grapefruit Rocks * Canadian Dogwood (Cornus canadensis) * Tufted Fleabane (Erigeron caespitosus) * Northern Green Orchid (Platanthera hyperborea var. hyperborea) * Pale Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja caudata) * Tall Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium caeruleum ssp. villosum) * Elegant Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja elegans) * Long-Pod Stitchwort (Minuartia macrocarpa) * Lessing's Arnica (Arnica lessingii) * Pink Plumes (Bistorta plumosa) * A July 17th and 18th Trip to Twelvemile Summit and Eagle Summit * Western Osprey (Pandion haliaetus) - Young and Adult * Twelvemile Summit Scenery * Small Blacktip Ragwort (Senecio lugens) * Monkshood (Aconitum delphiniifolium) * Blunt Leaved Bog Orchid (Platanthera obtusata) * Sudetic Lousewort (Pedicularis sudetica) * Mountain Valerian (Valeriana capitata) * Various Lichens at Eagle Summit * Pale Gentian (Gentiana glauca) * Marsh Saxifrage (Saxifraga hirculus) * Whorled Lousewort (Pedicularis verticillata) * An Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon aliaska) * Narcissus-Flowered Anemone (Anemone narcissiflora) * Oeder s Lousewort (Pedicularis oederi) * Parry's Wallflower (Parrya nudicaulis) * Little Weaselsnout (Lagotis glauca ssp. lanceolata aka Lagotis minor) * Ledge Stonecrop (Rhodiola integrifolia ssp. integrifolia) * Alaska Spring Beauty (Claytonia sarmentosa) * Snowline Wintergreen (Pyrola minor) * Tall Jacob's Ladder (Polemonium acutiflorum) * Dwarf Fireweed (Chamerion latifolium) * Tundra Milkvetch (Astragalus umbellatus) * Alpine Azalea (Kalmia procumbens) * Frigid Shooting Star (Dodecatheon frigidum) * Pincushion Plant (Diapensia lapponica var. obovata) * Moss Campion (Silene acaulis) * Arctic Forget-me-not (Eritrichium nanum) * Yukon Saw-Wort (Saussurea angustifolia var. yukonensis) * Ptarmigan * Snow Arnica (Arnica frigida) * Northern Larkspur (Delphinium brachycentrum) * Bellflower (Campanula lasiocarpa) * Spotted Saxifrage (Saxifraga bronchialis ssp. funstonii) * A Sun Pillar at 10:37 PM * Eagle Summit - Morning Scenery * Arctic White Heather (Cassiope tetragona) * Clubmoss (Lycopodium sp.) * Woolly Lousewort (Pedicularis lanata) * Fourpart Dwarf Gentian (Gentianella propinqua) * Nelson's Saxifrage (Micranthes nelsoniana) * Longstalk Starwort (Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes) * Mountain Sorrel (Oxyria digyna) * A Pair of Hoary Marmots (Marmota caligata) * Scenery Near Eagls Summit * Purple Bittercress (Cardamine purpurea) * Few-Flowered Corydalis (Corydalis pauciflora) * Looking Back at Eagle Summit from West of it * Dwarf Hawksbeard (Crepis nana) * Netleaf Willow (Salix reticulata) * Alpine Forget-me-not (Myosotis asiatica) * Arctic Yellow Violet (Viola biflora) * Dwarf Marsh Violet (Viola epipsila ssp. repens) * Bog Rosemary (Andromeda polifolia var. polifolia) * Arctic Lousewort (Pedicularis langsdorffii) * American Alpine Speedwell (Veronica wormskjoldii) * Northern Coralroot Orchid (Corallorhiza trifida) * Tussock Cottonsedge (Eriophorum vaginatum) * More

2017 Photo Pages

June 2017 Photos: FIVE Pages (for the seventh time) - Blooming Cottongrass (Eriophorum scheuchzeri) * Vaccinium uliginosum * Dryas integrifolia * Juniperus communis var. depressa * Dasiphora fruticosa * Interesting Spring Greens at Grapefruit Rocks * Viburnum trilobum (Highbush Cranberry) * Polemonium pulcherrimum (Showy Jacob's Ladder) * Anticlea elegans (Mountain Deathcamas) * Pulsatilla patens (Pasque Flower) * Saxifraga tricuspidata * Erigeron purpuratus * Anemone narcissiflora * Lloydia serotina * Erethizon dorsatum (Porcupine) * Potentilla rubricaulis * Saxifraga reflexa * Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana * Mertensia paniculata * Granite Tors Short Loop Trail * Zonotrichia leucophrys (White-crowned Sparrow) * Rhododendron tomentosum (Labrador Tea) * Andromeda polifolia var. polifolia * Anemone richardsonii * Viola epipsila ssp. repens (Dwarf Marsh Violet) * Beaver Dam * Calypso bulbosa var. americana (Calypso Orchid) * Papilio canadensis (Canadian Tiger Swallowtail) * Twelvemile Summit & Eagle Summit * Kalmia procumbens * Pedicularis lanata * Cassiope tetragona * Tephroseris kjellmanii * Oxytropis nigrescens var. nigrescens * Diapensia lapponica ssp. obovata * Synthyris borealis * Arctostaphylos alpina * Ranunculus nivalis * Lagotis minor (Weaselsnout) * Cardamine purpurea * Silene acaulis (Moss Campion) * Gagea serotina * Blue Ice at North Fork Twelvemile Creek * Pinnell Mountain Trail - Twelvemile Summit End * Gentiana glauca * Petasites frigidus * Diapensia lapponica ssp. obovata * Ptarmigan * Stellaria longipes ssp. longipes * Angel Rocks Trail * Trientalis europaea * Rubus chamaemorus (Cloudberry) * Cornus canadensis (Bunchberry) * Viola biflora * Campanula lasiocarpa * Arnica griscomii ssp. frigida * Papaver macounii * Pyrola grandiflora * Leuconotopicus villosus (Hairy Woodpecker) and Young * Linnaea borealis (Twinflower) * Cow Moose and Calf in Chatanika River * Bistorta plumosa (Pink Plumes) * Lupinus arcticus ssp. arcticus * Pedicularis oederi * Dodecatheon frigidum (Shooting Star) * Polemonium acutiflorum (Tall Jacob's Ladder) * Eritrichium nanum (Arctic Alpine Forget-Me-Not) * Corydalis pauciflora * Pedicularis langsdorfii * Silene uralensis ssp. uralensis (Mountain Campion) * Calcarius lapponicus (Lapland Longspur) * Pedicularis capitata * Cypripedium passerinum (Northern Lady Slipper Orchid) * Epilobium angustifolium (Fireweed) * Corallorhiza trifida (Yellow Coral Root Orchid) * Eriophorum angustifolium (Tall Cottongrass) * Birch Creek National Wild River * Castilleja elegans (Elegant Paintbrush) * Cypripedium guttatum (Spotted Lady Slipper Orchid) * An Abundance of Scenery Shots * And More

2016 Photo Pages

June and July 2016 Photos: FIVE Pages (for the sixth time) - A Solstice Trip to Eagle Summit on the Steese Highway * The Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline * Pyrola asarifolia * Cranberry Plants * Chatanika River Scenery * Iris setosa at 31.6 Mile Pond (Steese Highway) * The Davidson Ditch Historical Pipeline * Eriophorum vaginatum (Cottongrass) * Dryas octopetala * Kalmia procumbens * Minuartia macrocarpa * Rhododendron tomentosum * Anemone narcissiflora * Twelvemile Summit Scenery * Arnica lessingii * Castilleja hyperborea * The bright blue Campanula lasiocarpa (Harebell) * Pedicularis labradorica * Parrya nudicaulis * Many shots of Dodecatheon frigidum (Shooting Star) * Bistorta plumosa * Polemonium caeruleum ssp. villosum * Papaver macounii (Macoun's Poppy) * The Eagle Summit Area * Pedicularis oederi * Lagotis minor (Little weaselsnout) * Pedicularis langsdorfii * Astragalus umbellatus * Oxytropis scammaniana * Saxifraga nelsoniana * Salix reticulata * Eritrichium nanum (Alaska's State Flower, the Forget-me-not) * Cassiope tetragona * a Large Snow Drift * Pedicularis capitata * Silene acaulis (Moss Campion or Cushion Pink) * Rhododendron lapponicum * Tephroseris lindstroemii * Tephroseris yukonensis * Lagopus muta (Rock Ptarmigan) * Potentilla rubricaulis * Silene uralensis ssp. uralensis (Mountain Campion) * Aconitum delphiniifolium (Larkspurleaf Monkshood) * Eagle Summit Scenery * Andromeda polifolia var. polifolia * Arnica griscomii ssp. frigida * Porcupine Dome * Pedicularis lanata * 270° iPhone Panoramas * Long Shadows at Midnight * The Sun NOT Setting * The Sun and Moon in the same Panorama * Marmota caligata (Hoary Marmot) * Lupinus arcticus ssp. arcticus * Dasiphora fruticosa * Rubus arcticus (Arctic Raspberry) * Delphinium glaucum * Parnassia palustris (Grass of Parnassus) * Valeriana capitata * Pyrola grandiflora * Chena Hot Springs Area - Linnaea borealis (Twinflower) * Kazuya's Nectarine, Raspberry & Red Currant Tart * Chamerion angustifolium (Fireweed and an Albino Fireweed) * Castor canadensis (Beaver) in a pond at Creamer's Field * Ripening Rose-hips * Vicia cracca * Partial Map of the White Mountains National Recreation Area * Table Top Mountain from Nome Creek Road * Scenery * Surnia ulula (Northern Hawk Owl) * Vaccinium uliginosum (Blueberries) * Table Top Mountain * Spiraea stevenii * Distant Mountain Scenery * Another Marmota caligata (Hoary Marmot) * Chris & Zena the Dog * Chamerion latifolium (Dwarf Fireweed) * More Salix reticulata * Arctostaphylos alpina (Alpine Bearberry) * Climbing Wickersham Dome * Scenery * Rubus chamaemorus (Cloudberry) * Two More Marmots!! * Wickersham Dome Scenery * Castilleja elegans (Elegant Indian Paintbrush) * Moneses uniflora (Single Delight, Shy Maiden or One-flowered Wintergreen) * Olnes Pond - Evening and Morning * The Angel Rocks Trail * Goodyera repens (Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain or Lesser Rattlesnake Plantain) - an ORCHID * Boschniakia rossica (Northern Groundcone) * Angel Rocks Scenery * Vaccinium vitis-idaea var. minus (Lingonberry) * Geocaulon lividum (Northern Bastard Toadflax or Pumpkin Berry) * Several Panoramic Shots of Angel Rocks * Albino Specimen of Aconitum delphiniifolium (Larkspurleaf Monkshood) * Apocynum androsaemifolium (Fly-trap Dogbane or Spreading Dogbane) * Two Very Short Strange (but true) Stories * More

May and June 2016 Photos: FIVE Pages (for the fifth time) - Kazuya's and my move from Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan to Fairbanks, Akaska, USA * The Toyota Tacoma we Bought * Mt. Ashland in Ashland, Oregon * A Bee Swarm * Dichelostemma congestum * Driving Oregon's North Umpqua Highway * Clintonia uniflora * Rhododendron macrophyllum * Collinsia grandiflora (Giant Blue-Eyed Mary) * Trientalis borealis ssp. latifolia * Toketee Falls * Diamond Lake * Mt. Thielsen * Mt. Bailey * Viola glabella (Smooth Yellow Violet) * Viola orbiculata (Roundleaf Violet) * Anemone oregana * Trillium ovatum * Angry Orchard Hard Cider and Umpqua Chocolate Milk * Diamond Lake USFS Campground * Viola purpurea (Goosefoot Violet) * Lupinus sp. * Peter Skene Ogden State Scenic Viewpoint and the Crooked River along Highway 97 in Oregon * Turkey Buzzard or Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) * Columbia River * Windmills * Stuart Mountains in Washington * The Wild Horse Wind and Solar Facility near Ellensburg, Washington * Mt. Rainier * Weird Neon Blue Sky * Ginkgo Petrified Forest State Park, Vantage, Washington * Mariposa Lily (Calochortus macrocarpus) * Salvia dorrii (Purple Sage) * Grayia spinosa (Hop sage) * A Petrified Douglas Fir Log * The Olmstead Place Historical State Park, Kittitas, Washington * Hiking the Umtanum Creek Recreation Area Trail * Icterus bullockii (Bullock's oriole) * Philadelphus lewisii * Penstemon speciosus (Showy Penstemon) * Rosa nutkana (Nootka Rose, Bristly Rose or Wild Rose) * Ribes aureum (Golden Currant) * Ribes cereum (Wax Currant or Squaw Currant) * Collomia grandiflora (Large-Flowered Collomia) * Kazuya's 37th Birthday * Into Canada * Driving Along the Fraser River in B.C., Canada * Indian Paintbrush * Unknown Violet * Bear Tracks at our Camp-spot * Heavy Snow North of Fort Nelson, B.C., Canada * Beautiful Snowy Mountain Reflection in a Pond * The Folded Mountains * A Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) * Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) * Ovis canadensis (Bighorn Sheep) * Moose (Alces alces) * Muncho Lake * Mitella caulescens at Liard Hot Springs * Viola nephrophylla (Northern Bog Violet) * Ledum glandulosum (Trapper's Tea) * Pinguicula vulgaris (Common Butterwort) * Viola canadensis (Canada Violet) * Bison bison (American Bison or American Buffalo) * Mountain Scenery * Ursus americanus (Black Bear) * Watson Lake, B.C., Canada Sign Post Forest * Polemonium pulcherrimum (Showy Jacob's-ladder) * Teslin, Y.T., Canada * The Tagish River * Tagish Lake * Bove Island * U.S. Customs at Skagway, Alaska * Alaska Marine Highway System M.V. Matanuska * Ferry Ride from Skagway to Haines * Mt. Ripinski in Haines * Haines Small Boat Harbor * A Stellar's Jay * The Chilkat River, Haines * Pyrola grandiflora (Arctic Wintergreen or Large-flowered Wintergreen) * Chamerion latifolium (formerly Epilobium latifolium, Dwarf Fireweed) * Rock Glacier at Dezadeash Lake * Saxifraga bronchialis (Spotted saxifrage) * Colorful Lichens on the Rocks of Rock Glacier * Kathleen Lake * Tachal Dhal (Sheep Mountain) Visitor Center at Kluane Lake * Dall Sheep * Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) * Our Home in Fairbanks, Alaska * Creamer's Field, Fairbanks * A Linnaea borealis Bouquet * Cleaning House * More

February 2016 Photos: ONE Page - Shibateranthis pinnatifida Flowers (Setsubunsou in Japanese) * A Sneak Peek at a New Book - Two Years in Paradise: A Peace Corps Philippines Journal - Hoping for Release to the World by June or July 2016 - Expected Length Probably About 500 Pages

2015 Photo Pages

June 2015 Photos: ONE Page - Mt. Takao Area * Cremastra appendiculata * Paeonia obovata * Mt. Fuji * Tokyo Sky Tree * Dendrobium moniliforme * More

May 2015 Photos: FOUR Pages - Viola rossii * Viola phalacrocarpa x Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana & PLANT THIEVES * Viola hirtipes * Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana x Viola eizanensis (MAYBE) * Mt. Kurotake - Soft Spring Green Colors * Gentiana zollingeri * Viola phalacrocarpa * Viola variegata var. nipponica * Viola orientalis * Viola yazawana * Gagea lutea * Mountain Azalea (Rhododendron dilatatum) * Erythronium japonicum - Trout Lily * Mt. Fuji * Mt. Kiritou * Viola acuminata * Viola grypoceras - mutant form (or Green form) * Malus sieboldii * Viola violacea f. versicolor * Viola violacea var. makinoi * Padus grayana * Capricornis crispus - a Japanese Serow (Kamoshika in Japanese) * Viola grypoceras f. purpurellocalcarata * Oxalis obtriangulata - a species of sorrel * Mt. Kiritou Summit Scenery * Yunosawa Pass * Enemion raddeanum * Viola selkirkii * Viburnum furcatum * Nishizawa Keikoku * Beautiful Waterfall Scenery * Primula reinii var. kitadakensis * Oxalis acetosella * Yamanashi & Shizuoka Prefecture Boundary Area * Polygonatum odoratum * Paeonia japonica * Rhododendron molle ssp. japonicum * Mt. Takao * Caesalpinia decapetala var. japonica * Dendrobium moniliforme - The Japanese Stone Orchid (Sekkoku in Japanese) * Helwingia japonica * Pseudopyxis depressa * Pseudopyxis depressa f. angustiloba * Benthamidia japonica * Calanthe discolor - Another Orchid * Paeonia obovata - the rare Japanese Pink Woodland Peony * Cremastra appendiculata - Another Orchid * More

January 2015 Photos: ONE Page - Our New Year's Trip to and Stay at Tsuru-No-Yu - The Hot Spring of the Crane - in Akita Prefecture

2014 Photo Pages

2013 Photo Pages

June 2013 Photos: THREE Pages - A Trip to Minami Takao * Campanula punctata var. hondoensis * Scutellaria brachyspica * Trail Marker Signs * Rosa luciae - a Type of Wild Rose * Calanthe discolor an Orchid * Rubus hirsutus - an Edible Berry * Cremastra appendiculata - the 2nd Orchid * Dendrobium moniliforme - the Japanese Stone Orchid (Sekkoku in Japanese) - the 3rd Orchid * Clematis japonica * Pseudopyxis depressa * A Trip to the Kawaguchi Lake Area * Aquilegia buergeriana f. flavescens - Anchor Flower * Vincetoxicum acuminatum * Cephalanthera erecta - the 4th Orchid * Rhododendron kaempferi * Maianthemum dilatatum * Cephalanthera longibracteata - the 5th Orchid * Geranium eriostemon var. reinii f. onoei * Smilacina japonica * Galearis cyclochila - the 6th Orchid * Abelia spathulata var. sanguinea * Weigela hortensis * Clematis tosaensis * Viola acuminata - a New Violet for our Life List * Abelia spathulata * Iris setosa - a Small Wild Iris * Rosa hirtula - a Large Flowered Wild Rose * Lithospermum zollingeri * Fried Shrimp Dinner * A Climb of Mt. Mitsutouge (1,786 m = 5,860 ft) * Styrax japonica * Nice View of Mt. Fuji * Neottia asiatica - the 7th Orchid * Malus toringo - the Japanese Crabapple * Cypripedium macranthum var. speciosum - the 8th Orchid, a VERY RARE Species * Nymphalis xanthomelas - a Butterfly * Paris verticillata * Mt. Mitsutouge Summit * Oberonia japonica - the 9th Orchid * Lecanorchis japonica - the 10th Orchid * Orchis graminifolia - the 11th Orchid * Lysimachia clethroides - Tiger's Tail * Epipactis thunbergii - the 12th Orchid, a Rare Find * Prunella vulgaris subsp. asiatica * Lobelia chinensis * The "Spiral Orchid" -Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena - the 13th Orchid * Galeola septentrionalis - the 14th Orchid * Yoania amagiensis - the 15th and Final Orchid Find of the Month * More

March 2013 Photos: FIVE Pages (for the fourth time) - A Trip to Jindai Botanical Garden - Anemone pseudoaltaica * Anemone raddeana * Plum Blossoms * Crocus Blossoms * Helleborus sp. (Christmas Rose) * Adonis amurensis * Cornus officinalis * Hybrids and Cultivars of Hamamelis sp.* Daruma Doll Festival * The Rose Garden in Winter * A Tarsiger cyanurus - Ruri-bitaki in Japanese * Shinjuku Gyoen (Park) - Daffodils * Early Cherry Blossoms * The Tama River * A Dust Storm * A Trip to and climb of Mt. Yagura (Yaguradake), Mt. Kintoki and Mt. Myojin (Myojingatake) - Beautiful clear day shots of Mt. Kintoki & Mt. Fuji * An interesting moss - Rhodobryum giganteum * Owakudani * Another interesting moss - Barbella flagellifera * Some Panoramic Shots Showing Mt. Fuji * International Christian University - A Few Normal Cherry Blossom Season Photos * Nogawa Park - A Magnolia stellata Blossom * Hepatica sp. Flowers * Erythronium japonicum (Trout Lily) Blossoms * Chloranthus japonicus Blooms * A White Dandelion (Taraxacum albidum) * Pulsatilla cernua Blooms * Mt. Takao - Viola bissetii in Bloom * Chrysosplenium album var. stamineum in Bloom * A Wren Mating Dance * Omphalodes japonica * Viola tokubuchiana var. takedana * Oxalis griffithii var. kantoensis * Viola grypoceras * Stachyurus praecox or Spike-tail * Mitella pauciflora * South Mt. Takao & Mt. Kobotoke-Shiro-Yama - Viola phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima & Viola phalacrocarpa * Blowing Cedar Pollen * Viola obtusa * Cymbidium goeringii - an Orchid * A Rare find - Viola chaerophylloides f. sieboldiana * Two Species of Ajuga * Tsukui Lake - 2012 & 2013 Contrast * Oodarumi Pass * Another Rare find - Viola grypoceras f. purpurellocalcarata * Viola japonica * Viola yezoensis f. discolor - the Takao Violet * Links to 2014 Print Edition Calendars & also PDF Calendars * More

2012 Photo Pages

August 2012 Photos: FOUR Pages - August 3rd and 24th Trips to and Climbs of Mt. Takao * August 9th 12th Trip to Japan s Northern Alps Mountain Range at Hakuba * Climbs of Mt. Norikura (Norikuradake) (2,437 m = 7,994 ft); Mt. Korenge (2,766 m = 9,075 ft); Mt. Shirouma (Shiroumadake) (2,932 m = 9,620 ft); Mt. Shakushi (Shakushidake) (2,812 m = 9,226 ft) and Mt. Yari (Yarigatake) (2,903 m = 9,525 ft) * Hakuba Ooike (Big Pond) * Hakuba Ooike Mountain Scenery * A Hawk or Falcon * Mikuni Pass * Hakuba San-sou (Mountain Hut) Area * Mt. Tsurugi (Tsurugidake) in the Distance * Hakuba Yari Onsen (Hot Spring) Elevation 2,100 m = 6,890 ft. * An Abundance of Mountain Scenery * Sarukura - the Ending Point of this Trip * August 14th & 15th Trip to Oze National Park Ozenuma (Oze Pond) Area * Sanpei Pass (1,762 m = 5,781 ft) * Mt. Hiuchigatake (2,356 m = 7,730 ft) * Three Famous Larch Trees at Ozenuma * Herons (Birds) & Offspring * Sunset at Ozenuma * Soba Lunch at Numata Station * Mt. Takao Scenery * Japanese Red Pine Panorama (Pinus densiflora) * Daniel's New "White's" Original Smoke Jumper Boots * Too Many Flowers to List most impressive are: Kinugasa japonica aka Paris japonica * Cottongrass (Eriophorum vaginatum) * Primula cuneifolia var. hakusanensis one of the Primrose species * Dicentra peregrina * Linnaea borealis Twinflower * Lilium medeoloides * The Rare Gentiana algida * Lagotis glauca * Scabiosa japonica f. alpina * Swertia perennis subsp. cuspidata * The Tiny Myrmechis japonica Orchid * Lilium leichtlinii * Waremokou (Sanguisorba officinalis) * Ligularia dentata * Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) * More

2011 Photo Pages

2010 Photo Pages

2009 Photo Pages

2008 Photo Pages

2007 Photo Pages

2006 Photo Pages

July 2006 Photos: ONE Page - Fancy Cakes * Photos At The Haneda Airport Office

June 2006 Photos: ONE Page - Cremastra appendiculata ORCHID Photos * Dendrobium moniliforme ORCHID Photos At Mt. Takao

2005 Photo Pages

December 2005 Photos: ONE Page - Winter Colors * Amazing Frost Flowers At Mt. Takao And Link To current knowledge Of Frost Flower Formation * New Year's (Dog Year) Poster * Annual Christmas Letter (Password Protected)

November 2005 Photos: TWO Pages - Mt. Takao And Okutama Fall Colors * Very Late Fall Flowers At Okutama * Upper-Tama River Fall Colors - The Amazingly Yellow Ginkgo Tree With Red Maple leaves In The Foreground * Musashi-Itsukaichi Fall Colors * Annual Christmas Letter (Password Protected)

October 2005 Photos: ONE Page - Very Late Fall Flowers At Mt. Mitake * Beautiful Upper-Tama River * Porch Violets

September 2005 Photos: TWO Pages - Fall Flowers At Mt. Takao * Climb Of Mt. Nanatsuishi And Mt. Kumotori And An AMAZING Sunset And Good Sunrise * Trip To Yamanaka Lake And Camp-out At Mt. Myoujin with Sunset * Moonlight Pictures And Sunrise Of Mt. Fuji

July 2005 Photos: TWO Pages - Some Nogawa Park Summer Flowers * Chinese Lantern Festival At Asakusa Shrine * Cymbidium nipponicum (An Endangered Orchid) * Strange SMALL Insect * Helwingia japonica * Summer Flowers At Mt. Hinode * Chofu Fireworks Movie

June 2005 Photos: TWO Pages - Domestic Orchid * Lots Of Nice Dendrobium moniliforme Orchids At Mt. Takao (Taken Through Binoculars) * KitaYama Iris Garden * Hydrangea Bushes * Nice Butterflies * Spiranthes sinensis (Spiral Orchid) * Special Takao Violet (Viola yezoensis f. discolor) Photos * Time Lapse Photography Slide Show Of Takao Violet Cleistogamous Flower Opening

May 2005 Photos: TWO Pages - Morel Mushrooms * Mt. Sougaku Climb & Flowers There (Violets And Trout Lily) * Helwingia japonica * Two Or Three Species Of Asarum * Rikugien Gardens * Nogawa Park Summer Flowers * Domestic And Also Wild Wisteria * Okutama Old Road Hike * Dendrobium moniliforme Orchid At Mt. Takao

March 2005 Photos: ONE Page - Huge Strawberries * Upper Tama River & Pussy Willows * Nogawa Park Veronica & Other Flowers * Mt. Takao Chrysosplenium sp., Cymbidium Orchids And Anemone sp. Flowers * First Spring Violets

February 2005 Photos: ONE Page - Omotesando - Aqua Illusion * Mt Takao Winter Soba Festival Poster * Japanese Grosbeak * Kamakura - Inamuragasaki Park * Hawk & Monticola solitarius (Bird) * Woodpecker * Takahatafudo Shrine * More Plum Blossoms * Candle Ice * ShowaKinen Park Bonsai Trees

January 2005 Photos: ONE Page - The Final Fall Color Photos - Shin-Koganei Old House & Persimmon Tree * Christmas Tree & Presents * Christmas Day Outing - 2004 * New Year's Midnight At Mt. Takao * White Rock Waterfall * Mt. Takao Sunset * First Plum Blossoms & Other Early Spring Flowers

2004 Photo Pages

December 2004 Photos: TWO Pages - The 2004 Christmas Letter - The Best Photos Of 2004 - All Of The Photos Here Are Included In The Annual Christmas Letter (Xmas Letter Is Password Protected) * Photos In Chronological Order From January Through December 2004

November 2004 Photos: ONE Page - Very Late Fall Flowers (Cosmos) * Fall Berries * Fall Colors At Mt. Iwadano * Mitake Fabulous Ginkgo with Red Maple Leaves In Foreground * Okutama Lake Spring vs. Fall Panorama * Okutama Area With Fall Colors

October 2004 Photos: ONE Page - Monkeys On Mt. Kumotori Trail * Fall Flowers * Berries And Colors At Mt. Mitake * Two Different Fall Flower Collages

September 2004 Photos: ONE Page - Fall Flowers At Mt. Takao * Camp-out at I-Ccho-Daira * Tama Zoological Park * Lots Of Butterflies And Other Zoo Animals

August 2004 Photos: ONE Page - Rengeshouma (Anemonopsis macrophylla) At Mt. Mitake * Other Fall Flowers * Mt. Hinode Sunset And Morning * Mt. Kumotori Climb * Marubadakebuki (Ligularia dentata) * Mt. Nanatsuishi Summit * Mt. Kumotori Summit * Deer Around The Tent At Night * Sunrise At Mt. Kumotori * More Fall Flowers * Sanjou Hot Spring

July 2004 Photos: ONE Page - Mt. Kawanori Big Waterfall * Mt. Kawanori Summit And Camp-out * Morning At Mt. Kawanori (Sea-of-Fog) * Indian Pipe (Monotropa sp.) * Mt. Honita * Huge Mountain Lily * Mt. Ohtake Camp-out (Afternoon * Evening * Night * Morning) * Beautiful Panorama With Mt. Fuji * Ohtaki Waterfall And Ohtake Limestone Cave

June 2004 Photos: ONE Page - HoriKiri Iris Garden * Mt. Takao Summer Flowers * Camping At I-Ccho-Daira Again * A Lizard And A Swallow (Bird)

May 2004 Photos: ONE Page - Clematis And Roses At Jindai Botanical Garden * Swallowtail Butterfly On Iris * Camping At I-Ccho-Daira * Camping At Mt. Hinode * Mt. Hinode Summit Shelter At Night * Flowers * Movie of Cuckoo Bird Song

April 2004 Photos: ONE Page - Mt. Kagenobu * Mt. Sougaku * Okutama Lake * Mt. Gozen Summit * Spring Flowers * Mt. Nanatsuishi * Mt. Kumotori * Camping At Mt. Kumotori * Morning Fog On Mt. Kumotori * Mt. TakaNoSu

March 2004 Photos: ONE Page - This Page Includes 2004's Spring Vacation * The Hakone Area * Manazaru * Cymbidium Orchids * Mt. Mitsutouge Climb With Kazuya * Kazuya On 5 Mountain Tops * Musashino Park Spiraea * Gentiana zollingeri * Trout Lily * Jack-in-the-Pulpit * Yoseki (Wood) * The First Cherry Blossoms

February 2004 Photos: ONE Page - Early Spring Flowers * Plum Blossoms * Mizu-Moto Park - Birds Nesting * Mt. Takao Moon * Chrysosplenium sp. Collage

January 2004 Photos: ONE Page - First Flowers Of The New Year * Plum Blossoms * Candle Ice * Mt. Takao Sunset Showing Mt. Fuji

2003 Photo Pages

December 2003 Photos: ONE Page - Tokyo Around Christmas Time * Trip To Kamakura & Shrines * Ocean At Kamakura * Sunset At Inamuragasaki Park * Trip To Enoshima (Island) * New Years At Jindai Temple * The Annual Christmas Letter

January through August 2003 Photos: ONE Page - Higashi Akiru * Inokashira Park in Kichijouji * Plum Blossoms at Bubaigawara Plum Tree Park * Mt. Fuji from Iwadono-yama in Otsuki * Mountain Panorama * Cherry Blossoms at Various Places * Hydrangea Bushes * Monotropa sp. (Indian Pipe) * Huge Cedar Trees at Mt. Mitake * Jindai Botanical Garden * Ueno Park

2002 Photo Pages

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